Page 81 - Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences
P. 81

Principle 5                                                          Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences

                •  links that don’t go to the right place or are dead
                •  forms that are longer than they need to be
                •  spelling mistakes that can irk users
                •  off-putting contact options (such as call between 9 and 5
                    on weekdays)
                •  long wait times to talk to someone
                •  links that delete information already provided and create
                    more work for the customer

            Testing for ease of use and value provision can be simply done by
            you, a friend, or by recruiting a company to provide a professional
            shopper to surf the channels. Knowing what your customers want
            from each channel (and what they expect to gain from visiting it)
            is a prized piece of information. While the tips provided here will
            give you the grounds for a quick tune-up of your channels, they all
            assume  that  you  already  know  what  your  customer  wants.  To
            keep your finger on their pulse, implement a selection of the ideas
            outlined in Principle 4.

            Consider this…
                •  What  do  your  customers  expect  from  a  multi  or  omni-
                    channel experience?
                •  Have  you  tested  your  online  systems  and  made  them
                    customer proof?
                •  Do  all  the  links  on  your  website  work,  and  direct  your
                    customer to the right places?
                •  How easy is it for your customers to access, navigate and
                    use your channels?

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