P. 5

approach and I am sure that the reader will be able to understand and master the

               contents easily. Every chapter has a large number of problems for practice and
               the book contains over 1000 such problems. The answers are given alongside so
               that the reader can either solve the problems orally or use paper and pen and
               compare  with  the  given  answer.  The  chapters  should  be  read  sequentially  to
               absorb the material and then can be used for reference in any desired order.

                    I have also included a special chapter in which I have shown the application
               of the techniques to solve problems, collected from several competitive exams.
               This  is  a  unique  feature  of  the  book  and  should  add  to  the  popularity  of  the

                    I  have  tried  to  make  all  the  examples  and  answers  error-free  but  if  any
               mistake is discovered, I will be obliged if I am informed about the same.

                    Constructive  criticism  and  comments  can  be  sent  to  me  at


                                                                                           ATUL GUPTA
                                                                                     Mobile: 9820845036
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