Page 5 - National Book Tokens Euro Merchandising Catalogue 2020-
P. 5
Free local marketing with Caboodle
Connecting your bookshop with booklovers – for free
400k+ email 3.8m 500k local 37k followers 12k followers
subscribers webpage offer emails
views in 2019 sent monthly
Niki from Gwisgo Bookworm:
Are you using Caboodle to promote your business? The “While we were unable to trade normally,
rewards programme from National Book Tokens allows you to due to Covid-19, Caboodle meant that our
communicate with thousands of booklovers – for free! offers reached a wider audience at a time
when it was essential to maintain a high
One-stop-shop for marketing profile.”
With just one click, when you list your offer or event (whether
virtual or instore) on Caboodle it will appear:
• on Emma from Book-ish: “We upload
• on the Independent Bookshop Week or Books Are all of our events to Caboodle to ensure we
My Bag websites reach as many people as possible. It's quick,
• in our local offer emails which are automatically sent to simple and effective. It's great to have such
Caboodle members near your bookshop – just like some of an easy to use tool to make promotions that
these: little bit easier!”
Free tote bag
Milly Johnson’s when you buy Robin Stevens
virtual book a copy of book signing at
launch at The This Lovely City Max Minerva’s Sarah from The Book Shop: “Our
Book Vault at Bourne Marvellous shop is 87 years old and I have been trying
desperately to put the shop on the map.
Caboodle gave me the perfect platform for
that and I am so pleased with the results.”
Bookshop of the Month
Find out more and get started
As if that wasn’t enough, all bookshops
with offers on Caboodle are in with a Visit caboodle.nationalbooktokens.
chance of winning our Bookshop of com/booksellers
the Month hamper prize!