Page 5 - Templete--05032020-single
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In this edition also, as in the past, we have endeavored to cover topics of interest to
out dealers. Many of the articles are on topics which can aid our dealers to compete
successfully in their markets, and benefit from txhe revenues from activities at their
sites which complement the activity of motor fuel sales, which is the core competence
In this edition also, as in the past, we have & Analysis Cell-Ministry of petroleum &
endeavored to cover topics of interest to Natural Gas (Government of India)has been
out dealers. Many of the articles are on analysed and the main aspects are shown
topics which can aid our dealers to compete below for easy understanding
successfully in their markets, and benefit
from the revenues from activities at their The financial year 2019-20 has commenced,
sites which complement the activity of motor and an important aspect of interest to OMCs
fuel sales, which is the core competence and our retail dealers is the likely trajectory
area. of reatail demand for petrol and diesel
during the financial year. Data published
The financial year 2019-20 has commenced, in their website by the Petroleum Planning
and an important aspect of interest to OMCs & Analysis Cell-Ministry of petroleum &
and our retail dealers is the likely trajectory Natural Gas (Government of India)has been
of reatail demand for petrol and diesel analysed and the main aspects are shown
during the financial year. Data published below for easy understanding
in their website by the Petroleum Planning
& Analysis Cell-Ministry of petroleum &
Natural Gas (Government of India)has been
analysed and the main aspects are shown
below for easy understanding.
The financial year 2019-20 has commenced,
and an important aspect of interest to OMCs
and our retail dealers is the likely trajectory
of reatail demand for petrol and diesel
during the financial year. Data published
in their website by the Petroleum Planning