P. 103
PROJEK PELAJAR (Diploma Politeknik)
mobile product. So, the allotted size is 30cm long, 30cm wide and
42cm high and its shape is shaped like a cuboid while it weighs 7kg.
Finally, this product is not too large that it can only dry a pair shoes
in one time.
Penglibatan Pelajar:
(merujuk kepada -
skop kajian/projek)
Shoes are parts of basic human needs. Nowadays many people
face problem drying their shoes, especially those who are often
involved in activities in sweaty areas resulting in shoes being wet.
Besides, drying shoes under the sun may take quite a long time to
dry and may depend on the weather. As a result, the shoes are
uncomfortable to use. Next, they face odor problems. For example,
if their shoes are not completely dry, they will emit a bad smell. Not
only that, but it will also affect the quality and germs spread on the
shoes. Therefore, this project will design and implement a functional
Smart Shoe Dryer Box to solve this problem. This product can help
people speed up the drying process of shoes in a short time and can
be placed indoors in a building, thus avoiding shoe loss which is
Abstrak convenient for the user. The product created is a combination of
software and hardware programmed. This system uses Arduino
UNO as a microcontroller platform with a temperature sensor DHT
22 to gauge the humidity inside the Shoes. Arduino UNO will send a
command to the relay to switch on the UV light and fan to distribute
the heat evenly. The programming includes activating the shoe dryer
with the Blynk application. Thus, it can be controlled using a mobile
phone. We use mild steel plate that serves as conductor of heat into
the shoes with MIG welding techniques for the production of our
projects. This shoe dryer was produced cheaply and used durable
materials to make it an affordable tool for students, hikers, workers,
and homemakers. The implementation resulted in a novelty: a digital
innovative shoe drying system without sunlight.