P. 63
withstand a falling impact and to be fully mechanical to assist the left side
of the ps4 controller and transfer its function to the right-hand side for it
users. Other than that, some lights that can be controlled using the
internet of things (IoT) with MohuanLED apps are added to the
attachment to keep up with the trend in the market as a gaming
invention. In general, this invention could help those who don't have a left
hand to play video games as a hobby, not just that it also can build a
career in the field of gaming amongst the disability community. in the
hope for the future prospect,if this project could be worked on on a
bigger scale, our team is glad to do some improvements on this project
innovation by creating another disabled gaming controller tool that can
be used for disabled users, which can only control it with their left hand.
Peringkat: Jabatan/ Politeknik/ JPPKK/ Kebangsaan/ Antarabangsa
(sekiranya ada
No. Pendaftaran
Harta Intelek (jika
ada )
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Tandatangan Penyelaras Kursus Projek Tandatangan Penyelaras Projek Jabatan
Nama dan Cop: Nama dan Cop:
Mohamad Khirudin Bin Amdan
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