Page 23 - Progress Report 2020-2021 RV_Classical
P. 23

The ARTiculate@North East

            The NYAA Young Photographers’ Network (YPN) has
            nurtured  many  outstanding  young  photographers.
            Many  have  been  paying  forward  by  contributing
            their talent and skills to help the less fortunate in our

            Mr Brandon Chia, a Registered Nurse at the Tan Tock
            Seng Hospital and an NYAA Gold Award holder (2015
            Cohort) and Mr Jason Pan, an Electrical Engineer and an
            NYAA Gold Award holder (2006 Cohort), volunteered
            their photography skills to capture more than 200 art
            pieces and paintings created by a group of talented   Mr Brandon Chia, NYAA Gold Award holder (2015
            people  with  disabilities  for  an  online  fundraising   Cohort) and Mr Jason Pan, NYAA Gold Award holder
            project in 2021. Mr Chia and Mr Pan brought in their   (2006 Cohort).
            photography equipment and shot more than 200 art
            pieces and paintings for the online catalogue.

            The  fundraising  project  was  held  in  November  and
            December 2021 and has successfully raised more than
            $100,000.00  for  eleven  beneficiaries  organisations.
            Northeast Community Development Council General
            Manager  Mr  Kelvin  Thong  was  very  grateful  and
            thanked NYAA, Mr Chia and Mr Pan for their excellent
            work  capturing  the  best  of  the  200  art  pieces  and
            paintings  through  their  lens  for  the  fundraising

                                   Singapore Young Photographers’ Convention

            For  more  than  12  years,  the  NYAA  Young
            Photographers’ Network (YPN) has successfully used
            visual  arts  as  a  tool  to  connect  students  with  our
            heritage,  environment  and  community.  The  annual
            Singapore Young Photographers’ Convention (SYPC), in
            partnership and collaboration with the Anglo-Chinese
            School  (Independent),  was  supported  by  the  NYAA
            YPN. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 300
            students from secondary schools, junior colleges, ITE
            and polytechnics participated in the SYPC 2021.

            Due   to   the   pandemic,   three   professional
            photographers conducted the photography workshop
            virtually. The team from Hillgrove Secondary School
            won the first prize, Anglo-Chinese Junior College won
            the second prize, and Anglican High School won the
            third prize. In addition, Unity Secondary School, Kuo
            Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School and Nan Chiau
            High School won the merit prizes.

            Mr Andass Teu, a Senior Marketing Director at ERA
            Preeminent Group and NYAA Gold Award holder (2000                 Mr Andass Teu
            Cohort), played a key role in mentoring the students‘   NYAA Gold Award holder (2000 Cohort)
            Committee in organising the convention.

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