Page 4 - Marlborough Chamber Voice Magazine Autumn 2023
P. 4

C H A M B E R   F O C U S   F O R   2 0 2 3



      We are proud to be the voice of business in             We give you a seat at the table
      Marlborough and to represent business interests         Our strength lies in our regular engagement
      locally, regionally and nationally.                     with Ministers, MPs, Government officials and
                                                              community groups.
      One of the Chamber’s key drivers is to advocate
      on behalf of our members. This includes                 We represent the views of the Marlborough
      discussing and raising the profile of key issues in     business community, advocating to decision
      the media, policy submissions, and external             makers at all levels and ensuring local
      representation with each one of our team sitting        interests are heard throughout the policy-
      on relevant groups and boards.                          making process.

      Marlborough Chamber of Commerce is part of              Advocating on behalf of members to
      the New Zealand Chamber of Commerce and                 influence change for a more forward thinking
      the International Chamber of Commerce                   and proactive business environment – we are
      networks – they also advocate on our behalf and         currently involved with the Regional Skills
      the behalf of our members, enabling us to               Leadership Group (RSLG), Smart + Connected
      collectively utilise our capabilities and resources     Labour and Skills Group, TEAM Council Covid
      to provide a strong business voice on issues that       Recovery Group and meet monthly with
      impact local business.                                  Council and quarterly with other business
                                                              and industry groups and government for the
      Together, we are committed to promoting local,          region.
      regional and national success through free
      enterprise and sustainable growth, and fostering
      homegrown innovation for global impact.

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