Page 24 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 29
P. 24

               P A G E   2 4

                Mobile, cell, or smartphones are now fully integrated into our daily lives and, if you are like most people, the
                last thing you look at before going to sleep, (and the first thing you see upon awakening) may be your phone.

                With  them,  we  can  perform  many  activities  necessary  for  modern  living  -  phone  calls,  sending  text
                messages, mapping a route, surfing the Internet, responding to emails, and interacting via social media, to
                name a few.

                A compulsive desire to continue refreshing, checking, responding, reading, scrolling, posting, or clicking,
                causes the mind to be overly excited and stimulated; it should then be no surprise, that these functions may
                also have the potential to intrude upon our sleep.

                The light from phone, tablet, or computer screens may impact the ability to fall asleep. Small amounts of
                artificial light from the screens may cause a delay in the circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle).

                In addition, some people express concern about the impact of electromagnetic fields. These concerns have
                included increased risks for brain tumours (most especially on the side of the head where a phone is held) or
                the  impact  on  fertility  (especially  in  men,  who  have  external  and  exposed  reproductive  organs).  Caution
                might dictate reducing the exposure by eliminating the presence of phones from bedrooms.

                Changes to Make:
                    Place the phone to charge in the kitchen.
                    Allow yourself to go to bed without your phone.
                    Place your phone to charge in another room.
                    Get an alarm clock instead of using your phone’s alarm.
                    Or put it across the room and set it to the time you need to get up.

                Hopefully, you will follow these simple tips and enjoy a good night’s sleep tonight!

                                         Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness

            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 29
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