Page 3 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 29
P. 3
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ear Parent,
I hope you are staying safe in these continued times of uncertainty? I must again start
by thanking you all for your continued support of our online learning programme. The
support received during the online learning is greatly appreciated and the reason why
your child(ren) has continued to learn, is due to the sacrifices being made at home to ensure they have
a suitable work-space, power and access to the internet - thank you all so very much.
As a school, we continue to monitor the work being set, the duration spent online and the expectation
for completion times. All these factors are discussed weekly by all staff in the Faculty meetings and by
the senior leaders too. We are constantly reviewing our procedures to create as much of a positive
work-life balance as possible because the health and well-being of our students and staff is paramount.
As always, your constructive feedback is always welcome, as we continue to fine-tune the process.
As per our assessment policy, we ensure continuous assessments are taking place in several ways to
enable the teachers to adapt and adjust learning expectations for your child(ren). Our reports are being
generated this week and you will receive them after the study free week. Plans are also well underway,
for the end-of-year assessments which will be shared with you after the study-free week. All students
will be taking the end-of-year examinations; you will also be receiving the end-of-year report as
Our Year 9 parents are currently in the process of choosing their IGCSE options and we are holding
some virtual sessions over the coming week for them to explore and ask about the IGCSE options we
offer and the pathways that lead on from that. If you are a Year 9 parent and you have not received any
information regarding the options process, please contact Mr Arthur ( -
Head of Year 9 - at your earliest convenience.
I would also like to inform you of our continued Year 11 programme which is designed with our
student’s progress to Sixth Form and College courses in mind. We have been in contact with The
Regent College and our Alumni, as well as looking at the study skills and IT proficiency we believe is
needed to transition to become a successful student both through Sixth Form, University life and
beyond. We have added all of these together in what we believe is an ideal amalgamation of the
development of new skills, the gathering of knowledge and idea of what future qualification and career
pathways might look like. The programme will start on 1st June 2020, at 12.00 pm and will run for two
weeks, ending on 15th June 2020.
There are three sessions each day for 55mins and the day will end at 3.00 pm, Monday to Friday. Once
all the guest speakers are confirmed early next week, we will send out a full programme of events then.
This is the first time we have tried this approach and would value any suggestions or offers of help
from yourselves as we are fully aware of the successes that our parent body has achieved. If any of you
are interested in speaking to our student body through virtual technology, please do let Mr King know
as soon as possible.
Thank you all again and I wish you a safe and pleasant weekend.
Kind regards,
Mr D. Andrew Williams (Principal)
Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness