Page 22 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 31
P. 22

               P A G E   2 2
                                               CHINA VIRUS ? NO, CORONAVIRUS!

                 Our Big Brother was supposed to protect us,
                 not find unique nicknames for what WHO has
                 confirmed to be Coronavirus and a pandemic.

                 It was day 1,000 and something of a quaran-
                 tine; our Big Brother decided to let the Coro-
                 na  dogs  loose,  unleashing  the  unknown  into
                 the wild. All around the streets, as I walked,
                 the fear of the unknown enveloped me and the
                 distant  sound  of  coughing  and  sneezing  fits
                 sent shivers down my spine.

                 Unaware of my surroundings, I bumped into a
                 stranger- a potential Corona dog, and sudden-
                 ly  realised…  I  was  ‘unmasked’  and
                 ‘ungloved’; my gloves were tucked in some-
                 where in the bag I left at home.

                 A few days later, I tested positive to the virus
                 our older brother calls the ‘Chinese Virus’.
                 The  Chinese  are,  unfortunately,  blamed  for

                 -By Carissa Moses-Saromi (Year 9 Benue)

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                                         Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness

            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 31
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