Page 12 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 29
P. 12


               P A G E   1 2

                                         FACULTY OF LANGUGES — YEAR 7


                                           1  Runner Up: Zainab Bashir - 7 Senegal

                 My daily routine has changed a lot during lockdown. I have stopped going to school,I have stopped going
                 out with my family, I have stopped doing anything I usually do to be honest.

                 Well,the good thing about this lock down is that I actually get to do things I have never had time to do.
                 There is a saying that goes opportunity comes once in a lifetime, cherish it for when it goes away it might
                 never come back.

                 When I heard that there was going to be a lockdown I had to cancel every single thing I had to do. and I
                 started thinking about what it was going to be like at home doing nothing and the only things I could
                 think about was sleeping, eating and playing video games. But,when I actually spent some weeks in the
                 lockdown I figured thati i could actually do thingsi i never had time for example i could teach myself
                 somethings i really wanted to learn and also some life skills as well.

                 So at this time of a crisis, let's do more than washing hands, let's do the things we never had  the time for.
                 This too shall pass and when it does, we will look back and say we did the things we never had time for-
                 a saying by CNN.
                 #stay home#staysafe

                 Teacher’s comment:
                 Your thoughts are clearly expressed, Zainab.  What is a challenging time is being positively viewed by
                 you.   I  am  happy  that  you  are  considering  the  benefits  of  this  time  that  we  presently  are
                 experiencing.  Please note the minor corrections.

                                                 THE CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC
                                               - 2  Runner Up: Fareed Gebi -  7 Benue

                 The Coronavirus pandemic has affected my daily life by disrupting my routine because I usually go to
                 school except on holidays. It has also affected my social life as I can not go to my friend’s houses often
                 which makes daily life more boring. I have been unable to watch my favorite teams play in the premier

                 league  and  the  champions  league.  The  quarantine  has  also  stopped  me  and  my  family  from  doing
                 activities outside the home such as: Going to the cinema, going to a restaurant or any family events. The

                 coronavirus pandemic is changing the world in both big and small ways, things like social distancing and
                 wearing face masks are examples of our new daily life. Some financially troubled People cannot go out
                 and provide for their families and more people are starting to lose their jobs because of the coronavirus

                 pandemic around the world. So far the biggest change in this quarantine is the fact that I have to go to
                 school digitally which has proved a  bit challenging for the past few days.

                                         Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness

            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 29
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