Page 3 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 30
P. 3

                P A G E   3

                                ear Parents,
                 Thank  you  all  for  your  continued  support  over  the  last  weeks  of  our  'current

                 normal'. The stresses and strains are clear for all to see across the globe and during
                 such  times  it  is  important  to  take  stock  of  what  has  been  achieved  in  the past
                 weeks. Our online learning has gone from strength to strength as all members of

                 our school community have gone to sleep knowing more about the technology we
                 use than they did when they woke up that morning, this statement is particularly

                 true for me, as I also learn new and interesting skills daily about the technology
                 we have all readily embraced.

                 With this mass of  new information there must also come a period of calm and

                 reflection. It is essential for all to ensure that we do find a small amount of time
                 each day where we can be quiet and without distraction. Next week provides a

                 perfect  opportunity  for  our  community  to  rest  and  enjoy  the  other  parts  of
                 our lives  that  often  become  neglected  during  busy  periods  in  our  lives.
                 Try, therefore, to find that time for you to talk and listen to each other without the

                 additional stresses that life sometimes throws at us. We have a week's break from
                 online  learning  next  week  so  please  do  try  and  spend  time  as  a  family  talking
                 openly and sincerely about the situation we find ourselves in.

                 I think the benefits that will be gained from spending time as a family and through
                 these conversations will be crucial moving forward, as when we do come out of

                 this pandemic, we will be better equipped in so many ways to face the world.

                 Thank you again for your continued support, the efforts you go through to ensure

                 your  child  attends  the  online  learning  is  an  absolute  credit  to  you  and  our

                 Stay safe.

                 Kindest regards,

                 Kind regards,

                 Mr D. Andrew Williams (Principal)

                                       Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness
            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 30
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