Page 28 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 33
P. 28

               P A G E   2 8
                            BOTTLED WATER: HOW LONG DOES IT REALLY LAST?

                Bottled water is past just being popular; it is now our way
                of life.                                             OPEN Vitamin Water last 3-5 days (if in a refrigerator).

                Most people don’t trust regular water that comes out the   OPEN  Sparking  Water  lasts  for  2-3  days  (if  in  a
                tap.  Nowadays,  the  majority  of  people  usually  consume   refrigerator)
                water that is either filtered in some way, or bottled.
                                                                     OPEN  Coconut  Water  lasts  for  24-48  hours  (if  in  a
                With bottled water, many of us buy it in packs or in bulk,   refrigerator)
                which raises questions about how long it should last. T
                                                                     According  the  Medical  Science,  freezing  bottled  water  for
                The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration   consumption, is not recommended because of the chemicals
                and  Control,  (NAFDAC),  Nigeria,  reports  that  bottled   contained  in  the  bottle.  Freezing  and  boiling  temperatures
                water has an unclear shelf life, especially if it is produced   break down the chemicals in plastic bottles, which can then
                according  to  regulations  and  remains  unopened.  As  a   leak into the liquid.
                result,  you will possibly not find  “sell by”, “best by”  or
                “use by” dates on the bottle. But can the water inside go   How to tell if Bottled Water is bad?
                bad? The answer is yes.                              Although not a perfect test, your senses are usually the most
                                                                     reliable instruments to tell if your water has gone bad. Some
                Here are some common characteristics of contaminated or   common  traits  of  contaminated  water  are  cloudiness  and  a
                impure water:                                        strange taste or smell. But, it is often your sense of taste that
                    Odd taste                                       can  tell  the  difference  –  which  by  the  time  it  reaches  that
                    Strange smell and                               sense, all you can do is spit it out! If there is a chemical taste
                    Cloudiness                                      to your bottled water, it is not healthy.

                If you experience any of these, you might as well just toss   How to store Water to extend its shelf life?
                it  out  and  get  another  bottle.  It’s  better  to  pay  an  extra   You  can  help  water  stay  fresh  longer  by  storing  it  in  your
                Naira or two now, than medical expenses later.       refrigerator immediately after use.

                Here is a general rule of thumb for most kinds of bottled   Never  leave  bottled  water  in  direct  sunlight  or  even  inside
                water:                                               your  car  all  day  on  a  hot  sunny  day.  Chemicals  from  the
                UNOPENED Distilled Bottled Water lasts 2 years       plastic container will heat and leak into the water. Drinking
                                                                     water from these bottles that have been left in the sun, have
                UNOPENED Flavoured Water lasts for 9 months          been  directly  linked  to  breast  cancer  in  women  and  studies
                                                                     now  show  links  to  other  types  of  cancer  in  both  men  and
                UNOPENED Vitamin Water lasts for 9 months            women.

                UNOPENED Sparkling Water lasts for 1 year            When choosing your bottled water, always look for water that
                                                                     has gone through distillation, reverse osmosis, or is filtered
                UNOPENED Coconut Water lasts for weeks to a couple   with an absolute 1-micron filter.
                of months depending on packaging & preservatives
                                                                     As  an  added  precaution,  you  could  check  for  reliable
                OPEN  Bottled  Water  lasts  for  3-5  days  (if  in  a   manufacturers of bottled water who are more likely to follow
                refrigerator).                                       best practices.
                                         Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness
            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T
                                                                                                     VOLUME 8  ISSUE 33
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