Page 28 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 30
P. 28

               P A G E   2 8
                                 FOOD SAFETY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC

                                                                      •     Wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and water
                You’ve  heard  a  lot  about  COVID-19—aka                  before,  during,  and  after  preparing  food  and
                coronavirus, and who is at risk of severe illness from      before eating.
                the virus. But it might surprise you to know that the   •   Wash  your  utensils,  dishes,  and  cutting  boards
                same people who are at risk for severe illness from         with hot, soapy water.
                COVID-19,  are  also  at  risk  for  severe  illness  from   •   Rinse  fresh  fruits  and  vegetables  under  running
                food poisoning.                                             tap water, including those with skins that are not
                Foodborne  illness  or  food  poisoning  can  affect   •    With canned goods, remember to clean lids before
                anyone  who  eats  food  contaminated  by  bacteria,        opening.
                viruses, parasites, toxins, or other substances.      •
                                                                            If  you  carry  items  home  in  reusable  bags,  make
                                                                            sure to wipe them down thoroughly or wash them
                People with weakened immune systems cannot fight            immediately after returning home.
                germs and sickness effectively. Currently, there is no
                evidence of food or food packaging being associated   Separate:
                with  the  transmission  of  COVID-19,  however,  it  is   •   Use  separate  cutting  boards  and  plates  for  raw
                always important to keep food safety in mind. After         meat, poultry, and seafood.
                all, you can’t see, smell, or taste harmful bacteria that   •   When grocery shopping, keep raw meat, poultry,
                may cause illness.                                          seafood, and their juices away from other foods.

                The  following  four  are  food  safety  steps—Clean,   Cook:
                Separate,  Cook,  and  Refrigerate  -  to  keep  you  and   •   Food  is  safely  cooked  when  the  internal
                your family safe from foodborne illness.                    temperature  gets  high  enough  to  kill  germs  that
                                                                            can make you sick.
                Clean:                                                •     Ensure  that  your  food  is  cooked  through  before
                •    Cleaning  removes  dirt  and  sanitising  reduces      consuming.
                     the number of bacteria. So, regularly clean and
                     sanitise  kitchen  counters  using  any  available   Refrigerate/Chill:
                     disinfectant  product  or  a  sanitising  solution.   •   Refrigerate perishable food within 2 hours.
                     (Do not use this solution or other disinfecting   •    Thaw  frozen  food  safely  in  the  fridge,  in  cold
                     products on food).                                     water or in the microwave.

                                         Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness

            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 30
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