Page 21 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 32
P. 21

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                                  IT Skills                                The Importance of IT Skills.

                                                                     Often regarded as a thief of uniqueness and individuali-
                Our Aim
                                                                     ty, IT Skills have actually proven to be one of the most
                To  spread  awareness  about  the  importance  of  IT
                skills in everyday life.                             efficient ways of ensuring a happy human existence.

                                                                     We use it all the time! We use it 24/7! In fact, the reason
                                                                     this article is behind typed so quickly is due to the swift
                What are IT skills?
                                                                     operating system of this device, all a minor embodiment

                What is the importance of IT skills and how can they   of the many virtues IT has provided us.
                be applied to our everyday life?
                                                                     Communication with our loved ones has also been posi-

                     What are the positive impacts that IT skills can   tively  enhanced.  Ever  wish  you  could  reach  a  family
                      have  (when  used  for  the  right  reasons)  on  a   member who lives a million kilometers away? Wish no
                                                                     more,  you  have  the  solution  to  this  dream  at  the  very
                      larger scale e.g. our community?
                                                                     edge of your fingertips... technology!

                                                                     Not surprisingly, our education has also been drastically
                     How will we achieve our aim?
                                                                     improved  due  to  technology.  I  mean  without  it,  these
                Using  our  own  IT  Skills,  we  will  produce  a  video
                                                                     interactive online classes we have weekly wouldn’t take
                about our findings on the importance, impact and role
                that IT skills have on our everyday life and how we
                                                                     Indeed, there are some circumstances which we just tire-
                can use them to improve our community.
                                                                     somely  await  a  break  from  all  these  social  media

                     How will we measure the impact that our out-   “distractions”. Note too much of everything is not good.
                      come has?                                      However,  having  read  this  article,  one  can  vividly  see
                We will then share our video with our school com-    that  the  advantages  of  IT  skills  have  definitely  out-
                munity  and  gladly  receive  any  feedback  they  may   weighed  the  disadvantages  and  that  is  what  10  Benue

                have on our research via a google form.              has  strived  to  showcase  to  you  through  our  series  of
                                                                     written and visual presentations.
                Ellen, Amma, Bunmi and Umar-Farouk.                    - Amma Usman Jidda (Year 10 Benue)

                                 ELLEN TAYLOR IT SKILLS

                                     PRESENTATION VIDEO

                                                    GOES HERE

                                         Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness

            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 32
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