Page 3 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 30
P. 3

                P A G E   3

                             ear Parents,
                 Thank you all for your continued support over the last weeks of our 'current normal'. The stresses and
                 strains are clear for all to see across the globe and during such times it is important to take stock of what
                 has  been  achieved  in  the past  weeks.  Our  online  learning  has  gone  from  strength  to  strength  as  all
                 members  of  our  school  community  have  gone to  sleep  knowing  more about  the  technology  we  use
                 than they did when they woke up that morning, this statement is particularly true for me, as I also learn
                 new and interesting skills daily about the technology we have all readily embraced.

                 I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that while developing our online programme,
                 we have  also reached  out  to  friends  and  institutions  around  the world to  see what  they  are  offering
                 during these times in terms of their continued learning provision. On receiving the feedback from the
                 UK,  Europe,  The Middle East  and China,  it was  clear  and remains  to  this  day that  we are  offering
                 surpasses almost all other cases we have been informed about. The fact that there is 'live teaching' in
                 every lesson is an absolute credit to our school, this is supported by consistent classwork and a recently
                 revamped  homework  schedule  ensuring  that  the  curriculum  is  covered  completely.  We  are  also
                 providing additional support for students who require it and this is achieved through the timetabling of
                 booster  classes  for  those  identified  in  certain  year  groups.  All  of  these  facts  mentioned,  allows  our
                 students to make the continued progress we would expect of them regardless of the situation we find
                 ourselves in.

                 The staff here at The Regent Secondary School have been an absolute credit to me and many are still
                 making  huge  personal  sacrifices  to  ensure  the  learning  here  at  The  Regent  Secondary  School  has
                 continued.  So,  to  all  staff,  I  must  give  a  huge  thank  you  too. To  ensure  that  the  highest  standards
                 expected are adhered to, the senior leadership team and I are constantly dropping into lessons at random
                 times throughout the week to ensure the quality is still at the core of the teaching and learning. Using
                 this process, I can actually get to more lessons than I previously could and feedback when necessary to
                 teachers too on the quality of the teaching being seen.

                 We are currently putting together our students' reports for the online learning we have delivered and
                 these will be issued next week to all parents. To support you even further in your understanding of the
                 progress  made  by  your  child,  we  are  also  holding  Parent-Teacher  Conferences  during  the  week
                 beginning 1st June 2020 (most likely the 4th & 5th June). More information on the process will be
                 emailed to you early next week with guidance on how you can sign up and how the meeting will take
                 place, which will be through a Google Meeting request. As you are acutely aware, any time missed
                 from academics does leave a student at a disadvantage and this, unfortunately, is still the case with our
                 online learning. As stated above, we have constantly refined our practice and taken on the feedback we
                 have been given by both the students and the parents alike. Students away from learning miss crucial
                 concepts and the opportunity to learn and ask questions in real-time from their teacher. I, therefore, urge
                 you to support us in ensuring your child is present at all times for online learning.

                 With this mass of new information, there must also come a period of calm and reflection. It is essential
                 for all to ensure that we do find a small amount of time each day where we can be quiet and without
                 distraction. Next week provides a perfect opportunity for our community to rest and enjoy the other
                 parts of our lives that often become neglected during busy periods in our lives. Try, therefore, to find
                 that time for you to talk and listen to each other without the additional stress that life sometimes throws
                 at us. We have a week's break from online learning next week so please do try and spend time as a
                 family talking openly and sincerely about the situation we find ourselves in.

                 I think the benefits that will be gained from spending time as a family and through these conversations
                 will be crucial moving forward, as when we do come out of this pandemic, we will be better equipped
                 in so many ways to face the world.
                                       Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness

            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 30
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