Page 25 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 31
P. 25

               P A G E   2 5

                                                     GRADUATION SURPRISE!

                 It was finally graduation.

                 It had to be done online because of the current
                 pandemic and the students who had the virus.

                 Wearing the closest thing I had to a graduation
                 cap and gown, I set up my laptop in front of
                 the TV.

                 I always kept the TV on the news channel just
                 in case of any updates of current pandemic.

                 It was about an hour into the Zoom call that I
                 started watching the TV…

                 “Breaking news, the virus can now be passed
                 through  electronic  devices  when  looking  at
                 them.” The newscaster said.

                 My face struck with horror remembering that I
                 was on a call with some people and some of
                 them had COVID 19.

                 -By Abeedat Mustapha  (Year 9 Senegal)

                                             VISUAL REPRESENTATION

                    VISUAL  REPRESENTATION

                                  VIDEO GOES HERE

                                         Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness

            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 31
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