Page 36 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 31
P. 36

               P A G E   3 6
                                       SOCIAL DISTANCING IN A LARGE FAMILY

                Merging  households  has  always  helped  families  get
                through times of transition like this. But large households   4. Stay virtually connected
                are being challenged in new ways during the coronavirus   Right  now,  families  are  limiting  events  and  visiting
                pandemic  due  to  stay-at-home  orders  that  are  being   extended  family  until  the  crisis  is  over.  That  doesn’t
                enforced.                                             mean, however, that you can no longer communicate with
                                                                      them. Utilise digital communication as much as possible
                Because of the social distancing measure, families can’t   to keep you socially connected with friends and family.
                easily separate children from older family members in the   You  could,  for  example,  schedule  a  video  call  with
                home.                                                 grandparents.

                 But there are some measures you can take to make the
                transition easier.
                                                                      5.  Take  extra  safety  measures  for  vulnerable  family
                1. Establish a routine                                members
                Families  have  been  forced  to  shift  their  daily  routines   While  it  hasn’t  been  found  that  COVID-19  adversely
                while  socially  isolating.  Putting  a  new  routine  in  place   affects younger people and infants, there is a higher risk
                will eventually help you adjust to these changes and keep   for the elderly, pregnant women and those with serious
                the new situation from being overwhelming.            illnesses who are more at danger of severe symptoms if
                                                                      they get the virus.
                2.  Maintain  distance  and  hygiene  habits  while  in   If you have family members in your household who are
                public                                                more  vulnerable  to  COVID-19,  restrict  their  time  in
                While  making  grocery  shopping  trips,  maintain  social   public as much as possible.
                distancing measures by staying at least six feet apart from
                other people and wash your hands regularly. Also, make   6.    Watch  for  and  address  negative  coping
                an effort to avoid crowded places as much as you can.   mechanisms.

                3. Go outside                                         Some of you may have a harder time than others while
                Although  it’s  advised  to  avoid  any  form  of  social   socially isolating. You might withdraw from others, lash
                gathering,  getting  some  fresh  air  can  do  wonders  for   out at family members, or turn to other harmful ways to
                morale  and  be  a  great  way  to  maintain  physical  and   cope  with  what’s  going  on.  Recognise  and  discuss  the
                mental health.  It also alleviates potential claustrophobia   pain  behind  what  you  are  feeling,  and  be  open  to  find
                that may occur while spending lots of time with family in   positive ways to cope instead.
                close quarters.
                                         Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness

            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 31
   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38