Page 5 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 31
P. 5

                P A G E   5

                             ear Parents,

                D  that you and your family were able to rest and find some time to do things together. Can I
                             I trust
                remind you of the booklet we shared with you all at the beginning of the lockdown, for some ideas of activities that

                can be completed as a family?

                As another week of online learning comes to an end, I see our staff as motivated as ever after a week off from online
                learning.  Our  delivery  of  lessons  is  being  continually  honed  in  response  to  advice,  feedback  and  guidance  from

                numerous sources but especially the students and you, the parents. No one has experienced this situation before and
                we have learnt many lessons and skills along the way. Some of these skills can be seen and some cannot, however,
                these skills if practiced, will continue to develop and grow regardless of the situation we find ourselves in. Learning
                an  instrument,  a  language  or  how  to  juggle,  to  name  but  a  few,  are  wonderful  activities  to  pursue  during  these
                uncertain times.

                In the same way, we can also practice our time management, organisation and fluency in technology which will allow
                us to adapt to the future ways in which education will continue to advance; all time well spent. However, it is our
                academics  that  we  at  Regent,  are  putting  our  greatest  energies  into  as  we  ensure  our  students  are  on  course  to
                complete a successful online programme. I hope that our meetings next week which will focus solely on this online

                programme, will answer any questions you have.

                Can I thank you once again for your continued support; the messages of support and feedback we receive is gratefully
                received and spurs our staff even further in delivering our excellent online programme.

                Below you will find a few important dates for your diary:

                Parent Meetings - Focus is on online learning provision
                - Monday 8th June - Yr7 - 0900 to 0945, Yr8 - 1030 to 1115 and Yr9 - 1200 to 1245
                - Tuesday 9th June - Yr10 - 0900 to 0945 and Yr11 - 1030 to 1115

                Parent Teacher Conferences (PTC) - Virtual meetings*
                - Friday 12th June - 1400 to 1600
                - Saturday 13th June 1000 to 1200

                *Further information regarding the PTCs will be sent out early next week.

                Thank you all very much indeed, your continued support is gratefully received.

                Stay safe.

                Mr. D. Andrew Williams

                                       Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness

            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 31
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