Page 21 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 31
P. 21


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                 In Ms. Atuanya’s English sessions, we decided to up the ante on our Lockdown-inspired
                 short  stories;  we  created  visual  representations!  Trailers,  book  covers,  short  stream  of

                 consciousness videos, collages…you name it.

                 Here are just a few of the work we produced!


                 Name: SEJAL BAJAJ
                 Title: MY PERSONA

                 Theme: HOW AM I UNIQUE

                 Form of Writing: POEM
                 Category: B (9-12 YEARS)

                 I have hidden strengths,                             I think outside the box
                 And probably few vulnerabilities,                    And beg to differ,
                 But I am who I am                                    but that doesn’t make me evil
                 ‘cause I keep honing my talent                       ‘cause I can decipher
                 and multiplying my abilities                         That is my persona.

                 That is my persona.
                                                                      I am like a morning mist
                                                                      And have an own flavor with a twist
                 I have been known for                                I’ll stand out differently even in a sea
                 being unique in my ways                              And that’s how it’s forever going to be
                 of doing things, that even evoke criticism,          That is my persona.
                 and sometimes praise.
                 That is my persona.                                  I am glad I am me

                                                                      In a way that’s catchy
                 My looks are unique                                  Sometimes moody, sometimes choosy
                 I lead the crowd                                     Sometimes resourceful
                 I voice my opinions                                  And sometimes forgetful
                 But I am not loud                                    But that is my persona
                 That is my persona.
                                                                      I can’t be like others,
                                                                      And they can’t be like me
                 I don’t shy away and I’m not meek                    Everyone’s different
                 to blend with the rest,                              And I like this fact
                 I am proud of being funny and cool                   Let’s preserve this uniqueness
                 And better than the rest!                            and goodness intact …
                 That is my persona.                                  That is my persona

                                         Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness

            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 31
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