Page 5 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 31
P. 5
P A G E 5
ear Parents,
We hope you had a restful study free break with your children last week. We are glad to have them back
attending the Online Learning Programme.
We sent student reports for the first half of the Online Learning Programme and we are glad to see that many of our
students took their work and especially assessments seriously by putting in the required effort. However, some did not
take these assessments and this has resulted in teachers not awarding any marks in such instances.
We started analysing the data from the Online Learning Parents’ Survey and one of the points that stood out was that a
number of parents do not receive any email notifications of their children’s classwork and homework in Google
Classroom. Even before the lockdown due to the COVID 19 Pandemic, our staff members used Google Classroom for
administering classwork and homework.
Since the beginning of the Online Learning Programme, this has been the major form of communication about your
child’s Classwork and After School Activities. Please note that the students and parents receive daily email
notifications of all classwork, homework and in particular, undone work, which is highlighted in red.
Avoid having the setting of the email summaries as “weekly”. One would be overwhelmed with so much information
when the auto-generated email is sent at the end of the week and parents would have missed work not submitted by
their children during the week. Rather, have the setting on "daily".
Please note that all our After School Activities (ASA) are also coordinated in Google Classroom and Google Meet.
Students and parents receive regular email notifications about club activities. We were rather surprised to find out that
some of our parents are not aware that we have continued to run our After School Activities during the Online Learning
Programme. We always have club activities shared in the weekly digest.
Some parents have received invitations for the Google Classroom guardian email summaries by teachers but these have
not been accepted by parents. The invitation has to be accepted to receive the guardian email summaries. Once the
invitations have been accepted, regular notifications regarding your child’s schoolwork and activities would be sent to
your email addresses. It is advisable to have the email application downloaded on your phones for the ease of receiving
the messages. Please find below a YouTube tutorial on the Google Classroom guardian email summaries.
Communication between the school and parents is key for us to build the kind of partnership required for us to give our
students the best education. Always make it a priority to contact staff members and copy the Head-of-Year if you are
not pleased or have enquires about the email notifications received from Google Classroom.
Please call the Registrar or any member of the SLT if you do not get responses to your enquiries and it will be attended
to. We are in the process of sending the booking appointment slots for the Parent Teacher Conferences to all parents.
As with everything during the Pandemic, we have had to change our process to adapt to our current reality. We will
send a detailed video tutorial and handbook on how parents can book appointment slots.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to your feedback and will always ensure we meet and surpass
your highest expectations.
Kind regards,
Mr. Olusegun David Akinola - Deputy Principal
Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness