Page 7 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 33
P. 7

                P A G E   7
                              ear Parents,

                              Our students have continued to stay committed to their Online Learning and we are ensuring

                              that members of staff deliver high-quality lessons and After School Activities. Our Heads of
                Faculty have continued to monitor the syllabus to ensure that Schemes of Work are covered. Staff members

                have also continued to offer extra support to students who are not gaining mastery of certain aspects of the
                syllabus. There has been great synergy between students and staff and this has kept us motivated.

                In recent times, we have received requests from some students to cancel the PSHE examinations because they
                do not see the relevance since it is a non-examinable subject. In my opinion, the PSHE lesson is perhaps the
                most important subject in the development of a child during their teenage years. Students focus on issues that

                affect  their  development.  Since  we  started  the  Online  Programme,  Key  Stage  3  students  have  focused  on
                topics to do with Online Safety and Bullying, including Staying Healthy physically and mentally, while the
                Key  Stage  4  students  have  treated  topics  to  do  with  Achieving  Goals,  Emotional  Intelligence  and  Self-

                awareness. Particularly with the pandemic and lock-down, where social interaction has been limited, PSHE
                helps for mental well- being and social engagement.

                It is important that as parents, we continue to discuss these topics with our children and hear from them on
                issues that affect them. We sometimes think all is well with them but do not realise some of the challenges

                they  might  be  passing  through  as  teenagers.  Sadly,  if  we  do  not  teach  or  advise  them,  their  friends  and
                strangers might. We have to be watchful of who their role models are especially in our present world where
                people live fake lives on social media to the admiration of many young people. We know as adults that this is

                often very far from reality.

                We do not take our PSHE Programme lightly and have continued to look for ways to improve the delivery

                and to ensure that our students learn from it. The examinations would follow the same pattern with their
                weekly quizzes where students read a text, watch a video and answer multiple-choice-questions. We continue

                to  look  for  ways  to  bring  this  information  to  their  attention  and  ensure  they  are  learning  from  it.   We
                encourage them to be prepared for all their examinations and in particular, the PSHE Examination.

                We  would  like  to thank  our  parents  for  the  huge  increase  in  the  number  of  those  who  have  changed  the
                Google Classroom Summaries responses to  ‘Daily’  from ‘Weekly’ or ‘No Access’. They are now able to
                monitor their children’s work in their Google Classroom.

                We wish all our students success in their forthcoming examinations.

                Kind regards,
                Mr. Olusegun David Akinola  - Deputy Principal

                                       Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness
            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 33
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