Page 6 - Regent Digest - Vol 8 Issue 30
P. 6

                P A G E   6

                 T has  indeed  flown!  Was  it  not  just  a  few
                 ‘weeks’   ago,  we  were  wishing  each  other  ‘Happy  New

                 Year’, ‘Happy Easter’   and even ‘Happy Quarantine’! But,
                 seriously, where has the time gone? We’re almost nearing

                 the  end  of  May,  with  five  weeks  of  successful  online

                 learning under our belt!


                 It has been a rollercoaster of a term, with everyone – staff,
                 students and parents – adapting to the new ‘normal’; let’s

                 pat ourselves on the back then…we haven’t done badly at


                 Now,  for  this  one  week,  we  can  catch  our  collective
                 breaths,  put  our  feet  up,  take  stock  and  be  thankful  for


                 In  the  meantime,  recline,  relax  and  read  another  bumper

                 edition of the Digest.

                 Feast your eyes and see for yourself that the proof of the

                 jollof is in the eating!

                 Happy Reading!

                 Ramadan Mubarak!

                                       Respect Responsibility Resourcefulness

            T H E   R E G E N T   D I G E S T                                                        VOLUME 8  ISSUE 30
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