Page 5 - Paveezzi catalogue
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CONTENTS QUALITY — The quality of the products is our
highest priority. This is why, on each production step we pay great
attention to it – starting from the selection of a raw material,
through special precision of production up to searching control.
We choose our partners meticulously and the preservation of our
floors is taken care of by head oil and varnish producers. In order
Innovation & modern design 1 to give you free access to our products we have an extensive sales
network. We invest in our employee’s development, conduct sales
PAVEEZZI today 3 30% training – all that to provide you with perfect professionalism.
Australian brand — PAVEEZZI floors have been designed in
Layered floors - a good choice for years 4 export Melbourne and made oversees since 2010. In our work, we are
inspired by the Australian nature and we draw on the patterns from
Paveezzi Rovere Armonia 6 regional design. As one of the largest flooring supplier we care
about the company’s sustainable development and ensure the
Paveezzi Rovere Collatte 7 70% highest standards of our production.
domestic DESIGN — The cooperation with architects and
Paveezzi Rovere Naturale 8 designers makes us aware of our customer’s needs and inspires
us to the continued development of our design. This allows us not
Paveezzi Rovere Demetra 9 only to satisfy the needs of our customers, but also go one step
further and create new trends. With the thought of people looking
Paveezzi Rovere Atlantis 10 for modern solutions, we incessantly enrich our product range by
creating our own series of products.
Paveezzi Rovere Franchese CR 11 ECOLOGY — Each day we draw our inspiration from
lush green forests and the most beautiful lakes, Keeping in mind the
Paveezzi Rovere Nero 12 PAVEEZZI today importance of wood in the nature, we treat it with respect, taking
care of its effective use and complying with the strict EU norms.
Paveezzi Rovere Aiace 13
∞ 15 employees PASSION — The wood from which we create our
Paveezzi Rovere Attis 14 products is the work of Mother Nature. Continuing this process, we
∞ Wide product portfolio transform raw beauty into subtle elegance. Our commitment and
Paveezzi Rovere Invisible Oil 15 ∞ Warehouses at Melbourne & Sydney & Auckland attention to details, ensures we use high quality of wood for the
production of perfect floors.
Ecological 16 ∞ Well developed distributors network in
Australia & NZ CHARACTER — Bearing in mind the varied needs
Colour Inspiration 18 of our customers, we have created a wide range of products. We
treat every order with due care and attention, enabling our clients to
choose individual finishing, and provide a convenient order delivery
Architects 19 date. We are able to realise even the most sophisticated projects.
Care Guide 20