Page 1 - 2022 Early Winter Newsletter
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South Whidbey Historical Society

      Now &TheNN

       Early Winter 2022

      Untangling a web of history at Sandy Point

        An 1860 Snohomish Tribe village just   and  “white  slavery”  sex  trafficking,
      south of Langley is the starting point of   and to suppress the illegal sale of liquor
      the  Tangled Web of History research   and opium in saloons and on tribal
      project being sponsored by the South   reservations in the Pacific Northwest.
      Whidbey Historical Society.             During the pandemic, the project was
        After inheriting a trunk of artifacts   limited to online research and prelimi-
      and newspaper clippings belonging to   nary field surveys outreach with some
      her great-grandmother, Ruth Galland   residents of South  Whidbey. Of  sur-
      Miller  Bown,  project historian Kyle   prise was the unexpected expansion of
      Walker, M.A. decided to focus her re-  stakeholders and stories, new artifacts
      search in three main areas:           and archival materials.
        n The history of                                      To date, the project
      the Snohomish Tribe                                   has established more
      on South Whidbey                                      than 31 separate proj-  Treasury agent George Miller and BIA
      (villages, events and                                 ect files by topic.   agent John Brown, worked undercover to
      notable  figures);  the                                 Research  is  final-  expose crime, corruption and smuggling
      impact European set-                                  ly able to expand to   in Puget Sound. Ruth married John sev-
                                                                                  eral years after George's untimely death.
      tlers and Asian immi-                                 regional and state ar-
      grants on tribal assim-                               chival centers, previ-  Individuals who have artifacts and ar-
      ilation, and challenges                               ously closed during   chival materials pertinent to the project
      faced by mixed race                                   the pandemic.         to share will be considered donors.
      families and women                                      A roundtable dis-     Donors  will  be  acknowledged  in
      in a cross-cultural, ru-                              cussion with descen-  project materials and presentations and
      ral setting.         Ruth  and John  Brown  made  their   dants, oral history   receive periodic project updates.
        n How Portuguese   home at Sandy Point where John   interviews, website     For more information, email Kyle
      sailor, Joseph Brown,   was born. He was an agent for the   updates, and a new   Walker at
      and his wife Mary    Bureau of Indian Affairs.        museum display on
      Shelton, a “high-born” member of the   the indigenous history of South Whid-
      Snohomish Tribe,  altered  the  cultural   bey are all in the works.
      landscape of a permanent Snohomish      A part-time intern, funded by a grant
      village and greater Sandy Point area,   from the  Washington State Historical
      into a thriving center of early maritime   Society will also be assisting.
      trade and a seasonal residential destina-  Research activities require additional
      tion.                                 funds to offset costs for materials, sup-
        n The experiences of Brown/Shel-    plies, and travel to archival centers.
      ton family members working as un-       Donations  are  welcome  and  can  be
      dercover detectives for the Bureau of   made in the enclosed remit envelope or
      Indian Affairs and the Department of   online at  www.SouthWhidbeyHisto-    Mary Shelton Brown shown with her
      Treasury to investigate prostitution          grandchildren at Sandy Point.
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