Page 6 - 2022 Early Winter Newsletter
P. 6

her stepson, Henry, when she gave     also grew up at D’GWAD’wk.               In 1902 Jack Carlson and Waite
      birth in 1869 to Nathaniel U. Bailey,   Spithill had William Jewett arrested   Merrick of Port Townsend built a
      followed by Laura Bailey in  1874,    on a Friday night, but Jewett’s lawyer   large structure on the spit, intending
      and Clarissa Bailey in 1880. An infant   found a technicality and said that if   to smoke herring, but they abandoned
      daughter Inez was listed on the 1881   he married Laura right away, he could   the  plan  and  caught  the  fish  to  sell
      census and two-year old Nellie was on   avoid jail.  A marriage license was pro-  fresh for bait.
      the 1887 census but are not on later cen-  cured on Monday, and the next day,   The latest commercial plant on the
      suses. They probably did not survive to   April 9, Laura and William were wed,   spit was the Sea Products Co. fertiliz-
      adulthood.                            with  both Anastasia  and Alexander    er plant utilizing fish waste including
        Older sons Henry and Robert left    Spithill signing the license as witnesses.  salmon carcasses and fish livers. Ed
      home in the early to mid-1870s to work   The Jewetts lived at Duwamish, and   Ellis worked there more than 23 years
      on Puget Sound steamers. (See previous   later  in  Seattle’s  3rd  District  and  had   as chief engineer of the day shift.
      newsletter for their story.)          four children: Eva-Grace, Joe, Elmer     About four years ago the company
        The June 1, 1870  Whidbey Island    and Esther.  The family moved to the   loaded its equipment on a scow and
      Productions in Agriculture census lists   Bailey farm on Cultus Bay in 1896.  moved the operation to Alaska. The
      Robert Bailey as owning 160 acres,                                           tideland was sold to the Manson-Os-
      --50 of which were listed as improved   In an August 2, 1958 article in the   berg  Co.,  contracting  firm,  which
      land (farmed) and 110 were woodlands.   Seattle Daily Times Sunday Magazine,   razed  the  structure and  expects  to
      (This was before his purchase in 1873   veteran  journalist  Lucille  McDonald   improve the property. The company
      of another 160 acres.)                wrote about the history of Cultus Bay,   will dredge a channel inside the bay
                                            (excerpted here) which was then slated
        The value of his property was esti-  for development.                      to a boat basin sheltered by the spit,
      mated to be $1,000 with farm equip-                                          where lots will be surveyed.
      ment worth $150.  He  paid $300  in      ...When Island County was orga-
      wages to farm laborers that year.      nized in l853 all of Whidbey south of   Laura and William divorced in 1908,
                                             Holmes Harbor was called Scatchet
        He is listed as having 6 milk cows,   Head Precinct. The voting place was   with Laura receiving her father’s land-
      4 working oxen, 8 other cattle,  and   Bailey’s house, which stood in an or-  holdings, then about 100 acres. She
      12 swine, with a $750 value of all the   chard between the spit and the mod-  lived with son Elmer, and later, her
      farm stock.                            ern fishing resort. The house burned in   daughter Esther Jewett House on land
        On March  11, 1889 Bailey died at    1907 and was replaced by another...  between Sandy Hook  Yacht Club Es-
      age 66 after nine months of illness at a                                    tates and Possession Shores.
      Steilacoom Hospital in Pierce County.    Joseph Jewett of Seattle, grandson   Laura died in 1960 at age 86. Her
        The 1889 census lists son, Nathaniel,   of Bailey, remembers his first view of   daughter Esther continued to live in the
                                             the island in 1896 when he was a small
      age 19, as taking over the family farm.     boy.  The Bailey place had not been   little house until her death in 1980.
      No  mention  is  made  of  his  mother   occupied  for  some  time  and  Laura   In his land deed, Robert S. Bailey re-
      Charlotte, nor the year she died.      Jewett, Joe’s mother, persuaded her   quested that his burial place be beside
        Daughter Laura Bailey, then 16, went   husband to move there from Seattle.  his two wives underneath a large ma-
      to work as a domestic servant at a farm   “A sternwheeler let us off at Pos-  ple tree on the site of his homestead in
      on Lake Washington. There she met a    session Point,” Joe Jewett recalled.   perpetuity.
      33-year-old farmhand from Indiana,     “We led our cattle and horses along    Where that house was located is not
      William Jewett. (No relation to the Jew-  the beach at low tide. It was easier   exactly known, (it burned in 1907) but it
      etts who settled in Bayview.)          to do then.                          is likely on parcel 2 of the Sandy Hook
        According to an article in the April 7,   “Cultus Bay had been a gathering   area. There is no record of their graves
      1889 Seattle P-I newspaper article, dis-  place for Indians who came to dig   being relocated, and their names are not
      traught over succumbing to William's   and dry clams and smoke salmon.      on the rolls of any local cemetery.
      advances, (he had promised marriage,     They called the bay ‘Stochwa’ but    It is very likely they still rest in the
      but  then  backed  out),  she  went  to   I don’t know what that means. There   soil of the place they called home at
      Mukilteo to seek help from her guard-  was a one-room shack on the spit and   D’GWAD’wk.
      ian, Alexander Spithill.               near it a longhouse. Farther north on
        One newspaper cited Spithill as her   the spit were two other longhouses.”   Have you joined the 3,450 people
      uncle, but if true, it would have been by   Jewett started to school about 1901,   who follow our Facebook page?
      marriage. It may be that Laura’s mother,   walking through the dense forest to   Hit the ‘follow’ button at:
      was related to Spithill’s wife Anastasia,   Maxwelton (Island School), which as
      Chief Bonaparte’s granddaughter who    yet had no name.                           SouthWhidbeyHistory
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