Page 3 - 2022 Early Winter Newsletter
P. 3

Olympia. He had been elected assessor
                                                                                    of Thurston County in a special June 1
                                                                                    election. It was a position Bailey didn't
                                                                                    hold long, for changes were happening
                                                                                    quickly in anticipation that WA Territo-
                                                                                    ry would be created.

                                                                                    Setting Down Roots
                                                                                    When Bailey staked his claim, the whole
                                                                                    part of the south end of Whidbey from
                                                                                    Maxwelton to Possession Point was
                                                                                    known as Skagit Head, (spelled vari-
                                                                                    ously as Scadgett and Scatchett), even
                                                                                    though it was a band of the Snohomish
        The Historical Society was recently gifted with two lithographs, including this view of   Tribe that lived there. The Lower Skagit
        Puget Sound and Mount Rainier from Whitby’s Island (sic), 1853, by John Mix Stanley  Tribe on Whidbey was located north of
           “About four weeks ago, a party of   the side of the mountain was literally   Greenbank.
         young  men  consisting  of  Messrs.  R.   covered with every description of ber-  Though primarily a farmer, Bailey
         S. Bailey. S. S. Ford, Jr. and John Ed-  ries of the most delicious flavor.  also established a trading post near what
         gar undertook an expedition to Mount    The party had a perfect view of the   is  now  Possession  Shores  at  the  Sno-
         Rainier for the purpose of ascending   Sound and surrounding country rec-  homish Tribal village of D’GWAD’wk,
         that mountain as far as circumstanc-  ognizing the numerous prairies with   on the sand spit where present-day San-
         es might warrant. Rainier, as all are   which they were familiar to which were   dy Hook Yacht Club Estates is located.
         aware is situated in the main Cascade   added in their observations, several   The village was one of three per-
         range, distant from its base to Olympia   stranger prairies, of which they had no   manent Snohomish villages on south
         about fifty-five miles.               knowledge and which, probably, have   Whidbey, and the largest.
           On arriving at the foot of the moun-  never been explored. The evenings and   Some historical accounts state that it
         tain the party secured their animals   mornings were extremely cold with a   had four or five longhouses (accommo-
         and pursued their way upward by the   wind strong and piercing, the noonday   dating  several  families  in  each),  plus
         back bone ridge to the main body of   sun oppressively warm.               a potlatch house, while other sources
         the mountain and to the height, as      They describe their view of the sur-  cite six to eight longhouses, a potlatch
         near as they could judge of nine or ten   rounding country and scenery as most   house, two Indian burial grounds, and a
         miles, the last half mile over snow of   enchanting, and consider themselves   wooden palisade to provide protection
         the  depth  probably  of  fifty  feet,  but   richly rewarded for their toil in procur-  against marauding northern tribes in
         perfectly crusted and solid.          ing it. This is the first party of whites   search of slaves.
           The party were two days in reaching   we believe that has ever attempted to
         their highest altitude and they describe   ascend Rainier.                 The Context of Island Settlement
         the mountain as extremely rugged and    Not  being  provided  with  instru-  The central and northern part of
         difficult of ascent; on the slopes and ta-  ments for taking minute observations   Whidbey Island had already begun to
         ble land they found a luxuriant growth   and there being a constant fog and   be settled by the time Bailey arrived on
         of grass far exceeding in freshness and   mist along the range of mountains, the   South Whidbey.
         vigor any afforded by the prairies be-  party were unable to make any very   Thomas Glasgow built a cabin and
         low. On some of these table lands they   satisfactory discoveries in relation to   planted potatoes in spring 1848 on the
         found beautiful lakes from a half to a   a practicable route across them, yet   west side of central Whidbey, but fled
         mile in circumference formed from     Mr. Ford informs us that he noticed   in August for fear of an uprising that
         mountain streams and the melting of   several passes at intervals through the   was being urged by his father-in-law,
         the snow.                             mountains, which, as far as he could   Chief Patkanim.
           The party remained at their last camp,   see, give satisfactory evidence that a   Colonel Isaac Ebey came in 1850 to
         upward two days and nights where they   good route could be surveyed and a   the prairie which would bear his name.
         fared sumptuously on the game afford-  road cut through wilderness...      Seven years later he was killed there by
         ed by the mountain, which they found   Whether they actually summited      members of the Kake Tribe in reprisal
         very numerous in the shape of brown   Mt. Rainier or not, it was still a note-  for 28 deaths the previous year at Port
         bear, mountain goat, deer, etc. with an   worthy attempt.                  Gamble.
         endless variety of the feathered genus;   After the trek, Bailey returned to             (Continued next page)
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