Page 57 - Mariners Cricket Club (Singapore) - Souvenir Magazine 2020
P. 57

businesses being targeted, end users who
                download COVID-19 related applications
                are also being tricked into downloading
                ransomware disguised as legitimate

                With many employees working from
                home and students learning virtually,
                VPN servers have now become a lifeline
                to companies/schools, and their security
                and availability will be a major focus going
                forward. But at times some users may use          Gogol Bose is Mariner, travelled in 5
                personal computers to complete offi cial           continents and have literally sailed
                obligations which could also pose a great         the 7 oceans of the world during
                amount of risk to establishments. This is         his professional stint of 15 years
                why operationalizing a round the clock            and is now a Vessel Manager with
                security team is more critical now than           Diamond Anglo Ship Management
                ever, otherwise detection of malicious            Pte Ltd, based of Singapore. Being an
                                                                  Engineer, he has deep interest in the

                activities will be difficult and responding        future of technology and it’s usage
                to these activities even more complex.            in our daily life. You can directly
                                                                  interact with him at gogol_bose_10@
                While there is a strong encouragement    for your queries on
                to work-from-home, companies need                 Cyber Security.
                to sensitize their employees around
                information security outside of the

                office space. This is always increasing
                the risk of information theft thereby
                compromising confi dentiality. According
                to a recent survey of IT leaders completed
                by CensusWide, 83% of leading large-
                scale organizations have transformed their cybersecurity approach. Another 73% of
                enterprises around the globe accelerated their cloud migration plans to support the
                shift to remote working across their organizations due to the pandemic, 49% have sped
                up their IT modernization plans. IT leaders are quickly using the lessons learned from
                the pandemic as a crucible to strengthen cloud transformation and IT modernization
                strategies. One of every three IT leaders interviewed, 34%, say their budgets have
                increased during the pandemic. In large-scale enterprises with over 500 employees,
                59% of IT leaders have seen their budgets increase.

                Businesses in Singapore have seen a significant increase in cyber security challenges
                as more people work from home amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Per revelations from a
                CISCO survey, about six in 10 organizations in Singapore said they experienced at least
                a 25% increase in cyber threats since the pandemic started, having made the largest shift
                to remote working in South Asia. However, less than half said that they were “very

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