Page 63 - Mariners Cricket Club (Singapore) - Souvenir Magazine 2020
P. 63


               Caliber8 is a recruitment firm specializing in placing top-tier mid to
               senior level candidates in companies across Maritime and Accounting
               & Finance industries in Asia. At Caliber8, we’re set on providing a

               market changing methodology and approach that will change the
               recruitment industry. As a recruitment firm, we’ll work closely with
               you to help solve your toughest people challenges. We specialise in the

               following role within Maritime from mid to senior management.

               Why Choose Us!

                  SPECIALIST                CAREER                 FACE TO              PRIVATE &
                                            COACH                  FACE                 CONFIDENTIAL

              When looking for a         We help you to          We at Caliber8        Keeping the
              job, you need all the      improve the way         truly believe that    information and
              help you can get.          you present             meeting both          identity of the
              Having a specialist        yourself to             clients and           candidate or client
              can help you               potential               candidates in         confidential is of
              conquer a tough job        employers, and          person gives a        utmost importance
              market, especially         assist you in           great                 in Caliber8, given
              when dozens of             finding positions       opportunity to        the size of
              people apply for the       not advertised          understand each       Shipping/Maritime
              same position              online or in            other and build a     market in
                                         newspapers.             level of trust.       Singapore.

                              Brijesh Mongia                                   Karthik Balakrishnan
                              Director of Maritime                             Director of Finance
                              A highly experienced marine engineer             A finance professional with a Master’s in
                              and a former seafarer, Brijesh has a             finance, Karthik is adept at handling mid
                              Master’s in shipping, trade and                  to senior management recruitment for
                              finance from Cass Business School,               accounting and finance.

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