Page 27 - Fall 2023_Neat
P. 27


                                       Cryptocurrency: a solution without a problem -

                                       “As a financial services industry, we can’t fall victim to
                                       shiny object syndrome.”

                                      In today’s environment, we hear a lot of   it may not be what it’s cracked up to be.
                                      hype about different technologies. That
                                      buzz leads to oversaturation, which can   Whether it’s nonbank payment providers
                                      leave us questioning, “Am I missing     like PayPal, states that want to issue their
                                      something?” when we don’t feed into the   own stablecoins, CBDC or a piece of
                                      frenzy.                                 legislation trying to create a regulatory
                                                                              framework, this is a space to keep a handle
                                      When it comes to cryptocurrency, this is   on. Know that ICBA is observing and
                                      certainly the case. I’m frequently asked in   advocating on your behalf.
                                      interviews about ICBA’s thoughts on
         REBECA                       cryptocurrency, inclusive of stablecoins and  As a financial services industry, we can’t fall
         ROMERO                       central bank digital currency (CBDC), and I   victim to shiny object syndrome; we need to
         RAINEY                       typically respond by asking, “What problem  keep peeling back the onion to determine
                                                                              what we are solving for, and from ICBA’s
                                      are we trying to solve with it?” That will
         ICBA President and CEO.      often leave the interviewer stumbling for a   perspective, how that can be done in a way
                                      response because the answer is truly    that works with and for community banks.
         ACB is the ICBA              unclear.
         Arkansas state affiliate.                                            With emerging technology, knowledge is
                                      While we have heard a wide range of     power, which is why we’re offering ongoing
                                      rationale, those concepts don’t seem    opportunities to stay in the know on
                                      founded in need as much as in justification.  cryptocurrency’s evolution. We encourage
                                      Here are three that easily spring to mind:    you to remain up to speed on
                                      1.  The claim that it will provide support for  developments, whether through digital
                                          global payments is particularly baffling.  asset courses with Community Banker
                                          With a currently unregulated entity,   University (CBU) or our payment team’s
                                          global collaboration and compliance   online analysis. We will keep providing
                                          standardization will be essential to   information that helps you know how
                                          ensure that transactions remain safe,   cryptocurrency is living up to the hype—or,
                                          secure and legitimate. In short, it’ll take  more than likely, not.
                                          a mountain of global collaboration to
                                          make that possibility realistic.    On a personal note, I wanted to thank all of
                                      2.  The thought that cryptocurrency will   you for being part of this collective
                                          enable faster payments is equally   community bank journey; we couldn’t do it
                                          troubling. Instant payments platforms   without you. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving
                                          are already available in the U.S.—you   holiday, and please take time to celebrate
                                          can’t get much faster than that.    all you do for your communities. I know
                                      3.  The concept of a payments system    they are, as are we, grateful for you.
                                          that’s completely anonymous and
                                          frictionless is another point of
                                          contention. That anonymity easily can
                                          lead (and has led) to illicit payments, so

                                        Where I’ll be this month
                                        I’ll be spending time in our new Atlanta office and kicking off a round of meetings with
                                        executives from core service providers, continuing to advocate for community bank
                                        needs in this space.

                                                A  RKANSAS   |    27    |       Fall 2023
                                                 COMMUNITY BANKER
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