Page 51 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 51

Previous events  50  51                            TEXT: Alexandru Ion
                                                    PHOTO: Contextos

 Video Forum

 Video Forum’s main goal is to   being an opportunity for active   On Valentine’s Day 2020 we
 raise awareness of different   participation of the community   organised the second Video

 social or environmental issues   in several topics of interest.  Forum edition with a special
 through cinema. The first step   For our first Video Forum edition   screening of the short movie
 is introducing and screening a   we screened the Sea of Life do-  Segunda Opção in front of over
 short movie or a documentary,   cumentary to about 50 guests.   130 people. For the debate we

 followed by a debate when we   We also enjoyed the presence of   had with us Jorge Machado,
 have time, together with our   Susana Helena De Sousa, Nico-  Carolina Sousa Figueiras, José
 speakers and public, to talk and   las Blanc, Luis Coelho and Rita   Vieira and Alexandru Ion.
 discuss our main theme. There-  Castilho for a debate about the

 fore we consider this event as   marine environment.

 Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1                     
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