Page 67 - Out of Contextos: The Magazine #1
P. 67

A letter from our  66  67                          TEXT: Dovilė Imbrasaitė
                                                    PHOTO: Dovilė Imbrasaitė

 Dovilė Imbrasaitė   - I have never animated a brand
        logo before;

        - I have never experienced be-
        ing host of the Zoom Podcast
        - I have never edited a Podcast
 First of all, I am very proud of   specifically Faro, is that place.   before;
 Contextos which always surpri-  You may be wondering why, and   - I have never created an anima-
 ses us with creative and innova-  I can easily answer - it’s because   ted promo video using different

 tive ideas, empowering volun-  of people that I’ve met. Also I   video sizes and resolutions
 teers to do something valuable   can add nature and warm clima-  before.
 and useful for the community   te, but the environment there,   - I have never been a photogra-
 and themself.  that I enjoyed the most, is crea-  pher at an event using a pro
 ted by people. And the people of   camera;

 I am Dovilė from Lithuania and I  Contextos wasn’t exception.  - I have never been a social me-
 had an honour to be a part of the  Their care, understanding and   dia manager before.  So, in conclusion, I could say
 Contextos team at the beginning  teamwork made me feel very   that saying YES to the things

 of 2020. So this is my story.   comfortable working with them,   By taking these, let’s call them   which you’ve never done before
 and, I guess, that helped me to   challenges, I became more con-  makes us grow and with the
 To be honest, Portugal was ne-  grow by crossing all my comfort   fident about things I do, I found   help of people who trust and
 ver on the list of countries I want  zones without any stress.   areas that I enjoy to work on, at   support you, the way of growing
 to live in. But, I guess, that’s the   some point, I found myself and   is much easier and absolutely

 beauty of life, when it surprises   Here is a little list of things that   I am not afraid to do something   pleasant. That is the reason why
 you unexpectedly and brings you  I have never done before, but   that is very new to me.  I am super grateful to Contextos.
 there, where you’re supposed   Contextos made me to do and I

 to be. In my opinion, Portugal,   am happy about it:  Obrigada.

 Out of Contextos: The Magazine nº1                     
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