Page 12 - Mindfulness
P. 12
The more deeply you breathe, the more focus on your breathing, the more effective it is. Your parasympathetic nervous system is being activated and your whole body slows down.
Find a comfortable chair.
Sit with your hands on your knees and soles of your feet to the floor.
Close your eyes, concentrate on your breaths in through the nose, and out from your mouth. Slowly and comfortably. Notice how your body responds. A gentle smile acknowledging the time out. You might notice your auditory sense becomes more in tune as you hear the background noises you had not noticed before. If your mind wanders, don’t worry. Switch back into your breathing as soon as you notice.
Some people like to add some visualisation here too. You can create an image of success or a beautiful place that matters to you or as I like to do, just focus on my breathing and be fully in the present.
In module 1 you learnt about mindsight. In 5.13 you will listen to a podcast on restful sleep and in 5.14 I reference the use of a metronome in music. It provides us with a rhythm to work with. Every day you take approximately 20,000 breaths but you won’t typically notice them. Once you start noticing them and turning your attention to them, your attention can be moved from everything else. When I’m undertaking a hypnosis session one of the most important elements is to help a client focus on their breathing. Like everything new, concentrating fully on breathing can be difficult but with practice it can help remove all the clutter that is overwhelming you in life and quieten that mind of yours.
Your pulse slows down, if you close your eyes, your eye lids get heavier. What’s wonderful is that as you do this, you’re recharging your batteries and providing renewed energy. Give it a go before you move on!
When you open your eyes and look around, you may feel you’ve had a special experience where everything slows down. You have! You’ve been in the zone of the present! Been in flow. Mindful. Very different from our typical daily life. Often people tell me of an inner peace they have experienced. The more you practice the better you become and the better you feel about this. You will notice, for sure that the more you undertake something like this or a version that suits you, you will find deeper satisfaction with your day, an easier connection to your World too.