Page 2 - Mindfulness
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As human beings we can easily fall into the trap of living our lives in the future, of planning ahead so much that we miss what is happening now.
We miss the journey. Being on automatic pilot is a habit, which sometimes works but invariably compounds into other bad habits. 2020 was a strange year for sure. Large amounts of time working from home, and flying solo as well as interacting online with the XVenture team, clients and the players I support in the Socceroos squad around the World. Typically, I’m in a reasonable calm frame of mind. However, this has been interspersed with periods of intense high energy. A family wedding and the period leading up to Christmas were prime examples of a change and approach. Truthfully, on reflection, my behaviour was ridiculous: up earlier; racing through traffic (not speeding of course!) list for emails; list for presents; online shopping fanaticism; fill the diary with people for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Fast eating, on the go. Even my usual joyful soccer became automatic. How was it I lost my glasses and found them again at least six times during the week?!