P. 2
the Cambrian School
From Principal’s Desk
“Education is a shared commitment between dedicated
teachers,motivated students and enthusiastic parents
with high expectations.”
-Bob Beauprez
The first step into school is that giant step forward,
where children embark on the great adventure of
discovering the wide world outside and the depth
of the world within. At The Cambrian School our
endeavour is to provide sufficient opportunities to
each student to understand and discover themselves
and to face and overcome challenges presented to
them to make school life fulfilling and complete. We
take pride in helping them grow and develop into
sensitive and responsible well-rounded personalities From Vic-Principal’s Desk
of the next generation.
The thinking of students will get changed only when
they will start thinking for the betterment of the
society, country and world at large. Education is not “If your plan is for one year, plant rice; If your
just a process of giving knowledge for a future job but plan is for ten years, plant trees; If your plan is for
a lifelong process which creates an understanding of a hundred years, Educate children..”
moral and ethical values to guide one’s life in a right –Confucius
path. Education needs to be more of practical and
skill based so that employable education is imparted Our former President, Hon’ble Dr APJ Abdul
to our students which will help in the development Kalam has said in the introduction of his book
of our nation. On the whole education means holistic “The Wings of Fire”, ” We are all born with a
development of a child not only restricted to the divine fire in us. Our efforts should be to give
achievements of academics but also helping the child wings to this fire and fill the world with a glow
to come up with those inherited knowledge to build a of its goodness”. We believe that ‘individuals’
better tomorrow; with a disciplined way of life. are the atoms that hold tremendous power
within to serve as agents of change and thus
are confident that our students, enriched with a
sense of high morality and social responsibility
will be makers of a virtuous society. In a world
of stiff competition, strife and unrealistic
aspirations, it calls for sensitivity on our part
as educators to help children understand that
predicament is common to everyone. Problems
and challenges need to be faced courageously
with conviction in our principles and confidence
in our inner strength and dreams. I foresee a
better future of the children in this institution
and with the cooperation of the parents along
with the parents we can take our students to a
great new height. I wish all the best to our staff
and children. Let us make the difference in the