Page 108 - AG 7-2011 Revised 2016
P. 108

Photo Courtesy of  PBI/Gordon Corp.                                                                                                             Barnyard Grass
                                                                                                                                           (Echinochloa crusgalli)

                                                                                                        Barnyardgrass is a summer annual which has tillers which lie flat
                                                                                                        and form secondary roots resulting in a mat formation. The leaves
                                                                                                        of barnyardgrass are rolled in the bud and contain neither a ligule
                                                                                                        nor auricles; the sheath is open but compressed. The mid-vein is
                                                                                                        thick and keeled; roots are fibrous.

                                                                                                        Barnyardgrass spreads by seed which germinate in late spring
                                                                                                        and early summer. The seedhead is a coarsely branched green to
                                                                                                        purplish panicle with spiked awns. Barnyardgrass is found
                                                                                                        throughout North America and Mexico.

                                                                                     Immature Stage

                                   Integrated Pest Management Control Recommendations
                                   Cultural Practices:
                                   Barnyardgrass is found in moist soils; especially soils high in nutrients. Mow low to prevent the development of the
                                   seedhead. Physical removal can be done both in turf and landscape plantings.

                                   Herbicide Use:
                                   Make a pre-emergent herbicide application prior to the seed germination. For post-emergent control use a product
                                   containing MSMA.

                                                                   Net-like           Parallel Vein

                                                 DICOT                       MONOCOT

                                     First True

                                                      2 Cotyledon

                                       Broadleaf                                                          Drawing’s by Andrew Schaible

                                     2 Cotyledon leaves emerge                             Grasslike

                                                                                                   Single Cotyledon leaf emerges

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