Page 126 - AG 7-2011 Revised 2016
P. 126

Photo Courtesy of  PBI/Gordon Corp.                                                                                                                   Mallow
                                                                                                                                               (Malva neglecta)
Photo Courtesy of  PBI/Gordon Corp.                                                                     Common mallow ranges from a winter annual to a perennial
                                                                                                        depending on the location. The spreading stems of mallow
                                                                                                        grow prostrate with leaves borne on long petioles. Common mallow
                                                                                                        grows from a thick straight tap root.
                                                                                                        The leaves are lobed and can be confused with ground ivy. Mallow
                                                                                                        leaves are attached to the stem at the back of a rounded leaf, where
                                                                                                        ground ivy is attached in the center of the leaf and has a hairy upper
                                                                                                        surface. Mallow does not spread from nodes on stems as does
                                                                                                        ground ivy.
                                                                                                        The flowers of common mallow are present from May to October.
                                                                                                        The flowers are white to lavender and have dark violet veins. The
                                                                                                        fruit resembles a cheese wheel. Mallow spreads by seed.
                                                                                 Immature Stage Common mallow is found throughout the United States.

                                   Integrated Pest Management Control Recommendations

                                                                                                                                           (Chenopodium album)
                                                                                                        Lambsquarter is an erect summer annual. The leaves of lambs-
                                                                                                        quarter are lanceolate in shape, approximately 1 - 2 inches in length
                                                                                                        and about 1 inch wide. The edges of the leaf are toothed and the
                                                                                                        leaf tip is pointed. The leaves are covered with a white mealy subs-
                                                                                                        tance, especially on the underside of the leaf. The leaves form alter-
                                                                                                        nately on the stems. The root of lambsquarter is a branched taproot.
                                                                                                        The flowers of lambsquarter are found in small green clusters and
                                                                                                        lack petals. The clusters of flowers form in terminal spikes. Lambsqu-
                                                                                                        arter spreads by black seeds that germinate in the late spring to early
                                                                                                        Lambsquarter is found throughout Canada and the United States.

                                                                                Immature Stage

                                   Integrated Pest Management Control Recommendations
                                   Cultural Practices:
                                   Lambsquarter is usually found in low-maintenance turf situations. Proper mowing will usually control lambsquarter due
                                   to its upright growth habit. It establishes easier in spring-seeded cool-season turf that enters the summer in a thin state.
                                   Lambsquarter will growth in both acidic and alkaline soils
                                   Herbicide Use:
                                   Make your postemergent herbicide application to lambsquarter that is actively growing and in the seedling to flower
                                   stage of growth.

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