Page 20 - AG 7-2011 Revised 2016
P. 20

Spider Mite                                Spider Mite

                              Photo Courtesy of Univar                                Photo Courtesy of Univar

1.Antenna- none  6.Thorax- attached to body (unibody)                                 Mite
2.Eyes- small    7.Petiole-none
3.Head- small    8.Abdomen- unibody                                                         8
4.Legs- 8        9.Color- various colors
5.Wings- none    10.Other- mites are related to spiders & ticks

Life Cycle                                                                         3
Mites go through a rapid life cycle, usually taking only 2-3 weeks to complete.  
Hundreds of eggs can be produced, which hatch in around a week.  Larvae
and nymphs, which may go through one or more instars, only take another
week or two.  This results in large populations in a minimal time.

                                                                                      Photo Courtesy of  Univar

There are many varieties of mites, some affect man, others infest birds and/or animals. Mites
are a close relative to spiders with 8 legs. They can also infect agricultural products and crops-
-some even live in the soil.  Spider mites, Clover mites, Beetle mites, Gall mites, and Velvet
mites are some of the most common pests.

Spider Mites:
Spider mites are extremely tiny, and get their name from the silken webs they leave on the
underside of leaves.  They can be white, red, or green in color.  They cause damage by sucking
the sap from plants, especially citrus.  There are many varieties including the Red Spider mite
(also known as the Citrus Red mite), Six-Spotted mite, and Two-Spotted mite.

Straw Itch Mites:
Extremely small, Straw Itch mites are a parasite to many insects, but they can also be a
problem as their host insects infect straw, wheat, and grain products.  They can cause
dermatitis on humans who come in contact with infected products.  They can usually only be
detected with a microscope.  Human contact with hay, especially sleeping on hay mattresses,
is a common means of infection.  Bites are almost always on the clothed portions of the body,
and may not be noticed for 10 hours or more. These mites are also known as “Grain Itch”, “Hay
Itch”, and “Straw Mattress Mites.”

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