Page 262 - AG 7-2011 Revised 2016
P. 262

Suggested Study Material Source List - Agricultural Pest Control Adviser (PCA) License

                                              Examination Title:

                                       Plant Pathogens (Category B)

                  Study Material                                            Source

Knowledge ExQectations for Pest Control Advisers:        • DPR online:

Plant Pathology.                                         httQ://

Plant Pathology, Fifth Edition (or higher edition).      • Book sellers
G.N. Agrios.                                             • Libraries

IPM in Practice, PrinciQles and Methods of Integrated    • UC, see page 4.
Pest Management, Second Edition. M.L. Flint, 2012.

Pest identification: Plant Qathogens.                    • UC online:
How to Reduce Bee Poisoningfrom Pesticides, article.
H. Riedl, E. Johansen, L. Brewer, and J. Barbour, 2006.    • Oregon State University, Pacific Northwest Extension
                                                           Publication, online:
Bee Basics: An Introduction to Our Native Bees. B.         httQ:// clinic/Qest
Moisset and S. Buchmann, 2011.                             s/Qnw591.Qdf

                                                         • United States Department of Agriculture, online:
                                                           httQ:// documents/stelQrdb5

                                          Examination Title:
                                       Nematodes (Category C)

                         Study Material                                                 Source
Knowledge ExQectations for Pest Control Advisers:        • DPR, online:

Pest Control Adviser Study Guide: Nematodes.             • UC, online:
                                                           httQ:// B Wester

IPM in Practice, PrinciQles and Methods of Integrated    • UC, see page 4.
Pest Management, Second Edition. M.L. Flint, 2012.

                                       Examination Title: Vertebrate

                                              Pests (Cate2ory D)

                  Study Material                                            Source

Knowledge ExQectations for Pest Control Advisers:        • DPR, online:

Vertebrate Pest Management.                              htt12://

Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage. S.E.          • Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management,

Hygnstrom, R.M. Timm, and G.E. Larson, University of University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, online:

Nebraska Cooperative Extension, 1994.                    httQ://

Wildlife Pest Control Around Gardens and Homes,          • UC, see page 4.
Second Edition. T.P. Salmon, D.A. Whisson, and R.E.
Marsh, 2006.                                             • UC, online:
                                                           httQ:// cavert.html
Pest identification: Vertebrate 12ests.

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