Page 52 - AG 7-2011 Revised 2016
P. 52

Robber Fly

    Photo by Brian Rineberg
    Courtesy of Corky’s Pest Control

 1.Antenna- stylate 3 segmented	 6.Thorax- yes
 2.Eyes- compound	 	 	 7.Petiole- none
 3.Head- hollowed out between eyes	 8.Abdomen- yes
 4.Legs- 6	 	 	 	 9.Color- many colors
 5.Wings- 1 pair	 	 	 10.Other- body elongate, some hairy, resemble bumble bees
 Life Cycle
 Females lay eggs on leaves of grasses or small plants, or spaces in bark or soil.  Robber Fly larvae
 develop in the soil or decaying plant matter.  The larvae are also predators, and will feed on eggs,
 larvae, and other small insects.  They overwinter in the soil as they pupate, and emerge in the spring
 leaving behind their pupal casing.  Depending upon the temperature, they take 1-3 years to develop.



                                         Photo by Brian Rineberg
                                         Courtesy of Corky’s Pest Control

A fairly large sized fly at about 5/8ths inch, the Robber Fly has a furry body.  Some varieties
actually resemble a small bumblebee, while some look more like horseflies.  They are
predators, feeding upon other insects, especially going after bees, spiders, dragonflies, wasps,
and other flies; but they can also be useful against grasshoppers and sod webworms.  They are
known for having a voracious appetite.

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