Page 34 - MiniGame™ Toolkit
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                      MINIGAMES™                                                                                                                MINIGAMES™

                                                                                                                                      7. Build a Scoreboard, and Establish a Huddle Rhythm
        Company Name: Guy Engineering                                                                                                 Simple and easy to understand, reviewed often.

         1   Set the Objective: The targeted problem or opportunity.

           Increase billable hours, revenue, the Critical Number and get a bonus!

         2   Set the Improvement Goal: X to Y by when.

           Increase collective billable hours to at least 826 or more each week over the nine weeks of the game.
           Stretch goal of 850 hours each week.

         3   Estimate the Benefit: The potential impact/return.                                                                   8   Decide on the Rewards, and Determine an Award Schedule: Motivating and memorable.

           The game energized everyone in the company! It was easy to understand and simple to implement. In
           addition, everyone was able to participate. Even people who aren’t usually billable were able to contribute,              Each inning won employees received a small baseball themed prize such as a package of
           as the billable folks realized they could ask for help with tasks such as binding and printing. Billable                  Cracker Jacks or an inflatable baseball bat. Win five innings baseball themed party with hot dogs
           hours increased by 7.73%, which led to a 10% increase in revenue over the first quarter, or $109,247. In                  and a wiffle ball game. Win seven innings snow cone truck. Win nine innings dunk tank. Win stretch
           addition, our a revenue labor ratio (our Critical Number) increased from 1.65 in the first quarter to 1.79                goal GUY baseball jersey.
           in the second quarter. This upswing continued into the third quarter.
           Financial benefit : $10,9247                                                                                           9   Play the Game: Plan promotions and appoint a score keeper.

                                                                                                                                      The GO Team promoted the game and acted as scorekeepers. They announced updates
         4   Identify the Players: Who can impact the game?                                                                           regularly, passed out prizes, hung posters, and otherwise made sure everyone focused on the game and
                                                                                                                                      what we all needed to do together to win.
           All employees. Goal was to collectively have 826 or more billable hours each week. Those people who
           are not typically billable contributed by handling additional overhead tasks so others could stay billable or
           by helping with billable tasks they could perform (such as assembling reports).                                        10  Celebrate the Win: How and when will the win be celebrated?

                                                                                                                                     Every week we exceeded 825 billable hours counted as winning an inning, and employees received a small
         5   Determine the Time Frame: Long enough to accomplish the goal/change behavior.                                           baseball themed prize such as a package of cracker jacks or an inflatable baseball bat. Winning five
                                                                                                                                     innings earned a baseball themed party with hot dogs and a wiffle ball game. Winning seven innings added
           April 30 to June 29. Every week was an inning in the ball game.                                                           a visit from a snow cone truck to the party. Winning all nine innings added a dunk tank to the party, with
                                                                                                                                     one of the vice presidents volunteering to be in the tank. Meeting our stretch goal of an average of 850
                                                                                                                                     billable hours per week over the course of the game earned everyone a GUY baseball jersey.

         6   Create a Theme: Be creative!
                                                                                                                                      MiniGame Spotlight
           Take Me Out to the Ball Game.
                                                                                                                                      The GUY team strives to hold two to three company-wide MiniGames each year— focusing on
                                                                                                                                      such diverse topics as financial literacy, productivity, culture, and personal health. “MiniGames
                                                                                                                                      help us focus deeply on a particular issue and are always fun,” says John Blickensderfer.
            34                           2020 The Great Game of Business, Inc. All rights reserved. All material protected by U.S. copyright     2020 The Great Game of Business, Inc. All rights reserved. All material protected by U.S. copyright   35
        2 | MiniGames™                              law and may not be reproduced or distributed without express written permission.  law and may not be reproduced or distributed without express written permission.
                                                                                                                                   3 | MiniGames™
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