P. 16
Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII KD 3.6 &4.6
Untuk practice 6, the topic is how to use glue gun, target readers are people who
will use glue gun. Bagaimana dengan purpose? Ya the purpose of the text is telling
how to use glue gun through a sequence of actions. Dan untuk benefit of reading
the text is the readres get information to use glue gun.
Berikutnya, kita beralih ke practice 7, coba Kalian lihat analisis struktur teksnya,
yang pertama adalah goal: how to use glue gun. Materials/tools needed: glue sticks
and glue gun, dan there are seven steps diawali dengan kalimat yang berisi kata
first dan diakhiri oleh kalimat yang ditkaliani dengan kata finally.
Practice 8 menuntut kalian menganalisis grammatical featuresnya dan yang bisa kita
temukan meliputi; Imperative seperti check and clean the glue gun, put the glue
stick into the gun nozzle, dan kalimat imperative lainnya ; action verb diantaranya,
check, clean, put, dll.; connective; first, finally; adverb diantaranya gently.
Practice 9: Read Text 3 below then answer following the questions.Handwrite
your complete answers on your notebook.
ATMs, or Automated Teller Machines, provide a simple, convenient way to access
your bank account from just about anywhere. Though ATMs may seem confusing
at first, they’re actually incredibly straightforward and easy to operate.
1. Practice basic safety prosedurs.
Make sure that the area is well lit and you are alone.
2. Insert your debit card into the ATM.
Mobile banking cards come in two varieties — debit cards and credit cards. Debit
cards are most frequently used in ATMs; they're linked to the exact amount you
have in your bank account
3. Try to use ATMs and debit cards that are issued by the same bank.
Most ATMs will offer transactions in several different languages, usually at least
three or more dependent on where you live.
4. Select your language.
Most ATMs will offer transactions in several different languages, usually at least
three or more dependent on where you live.
5. Enter your PIN when prompted. "PIN" stands for "personal identification
number," and it's typically a four- to six-digit password people use to access their
bank account
@2020, Direktorat SMA, Direktorat Jenderal PAUD, DIKDAS dan DIKMEN 16