Page 26 - thinkfc_journal_v6_06_07_2020
P. 26

Page  of  Inspiration

    How  might  you use  these  quotes to  help you?

                        "People might  forget
                       what you said or  did but
                       they won't  forget how  you
                         made them  feel"
        wisdom    know the  •
                          "I  hear,  I  know,
          "Just because somebody
                            s    remember,
                          I  do,  I  understand"
          has  given you a  label it
         doesn't  mean  you have to
             wear it" .
       "Accept the things  you
     •           can achieve it"   what's  strong
        cannot change, have
        courage to change the
         you  can and the
                "Anything is possible
                once you believe you
                             "Build on
                             don't focus
      What's your inspirational  quote?   on what's  wrong"
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