Page 15 - 2023-Jan-Feb-Journal-Final
P. 15

obvious he believes in organized     British accent increase in volume?
          medicine. “It brings our voices together   Broach this topic with him. “The
          as one. Our message is stronger. We   word doctor in Latin means teacher.
          can organize a strategy for change   The most important part of my job is
          together.”                           teaching the next generation of
                MacClements’ stance on inequality   doctors. I have the greatest joy in
          and injustice in society is strong—he   watching medical students learn. . .
          is a soldier at war with racism, injustice,   watching the light dawn,”
          inequity, and obstacles to health care.   MacClements says smiling. “We as
          It is probably no coincidence that he   physicians have a huge responsibility
          is still a soldier. He volunteered in   to pass on not only knowledge but        “My best shot,” MacClements laughs.
          2004 to serve in the Texas State Guard   protocols and empathy.”           environmental sustainability at the
          aiding our state when natural disasters         There has not been a TCMS   University of Denver.
          and civil unrest occur. Once a month   Physician of the Year, or an incoming         The MacClements’ are
          he is dressed head to toe in combat   president interviewed over the past   adventurers by nature. Travel, hiking,
          fatigues—sometimes assisting at the   four years that has not voiced       fly fishing, and cycling are the activities
          borders with medical care. “I am a   concern over how much the business    of choice. They recently bicycled 160
          colonel, surgeon to the Texas State   of medicine is interfering with patient   miles through the Sicilian countryside.
          Guard, Special Staff,” he says.      care. “This has such an adverse impact   And they are both licensed pilots. “I
          “Treating the underserved at these   on the care collaboration. Patients   caught the aviation bug when I was a
          border clinics is really important,” he   should be the foremost concern.” And   flight surgeon, I met a B47 bomber
          explains. “Last year we diagnosed a   like the other interviewees, the biggest   pilot, and he agreed to teach Verlaine
          man with leprosy. He had been        positive in the medical field is the real   and I how to fly—aviate, navigate,
          suffering undiagnosed for years. Now   time knowledge and communication    communicate, and keep your wings
          he is getting the treatment he needs.”   available. “It’s mind blowing! Instant   level,” he recites.
          MacClements is also the Federal      answers!”                                   The state of medicine nationwide is
          Aviation Authority’s Senior Aviation         His rare moments of spare time   in chaos. Controversial legislation has
          Medical Examiner and is certified in   between his Texas Guard duties, his   compounded the already serious issues
          tropical medicine and traveler’s health   position at Dell Med, and his actual   of a pandemic and physician burn
          by the American Society of Tropical   medical practice allow him to enjoy   out. With the Texas Legislative session
          Medicine and Hygiene.                time with his best friend—his wife    around the corner and so many
                “I feel such gratitude—especially   Verlaine. MacClements met Verlaine   health care related bills on the table,
          within my field,” he says. Recently,   in South Africa at a “Pig and Whistle”   leadership in organized medicine
          MacClements was on the receiving end  variety show for charity. Verlaine was   must be strong.
          of medicine when a couple of health   singing and he was one of the back-        How fortunate for us that during
          scares had him thinking about the    up dancers in drag. “I will not be    this critical time in medicine, the
          scope of patient care. “I am grateful   providing a photo of that,” he     incoming president of the Travis
          for everyone at all levels of the    says—clearly not joking. “We have     County Medical Society has both the
          medical collaboration—from the       been married 30 years.” Together they   heart of a humanitarian and the
          janitorial staff to the physicians—   have a 25-year-old daughter named    fighting spirit of a soldier.
          everyone is really important.”       Victoria who is currently working
                And training young physicians is   on her master’s degree in global,
          important too. Want to hear his

                                                                                         Daughter Victoria, joins her parents climbing
               Dr. MacClements and his wife, Verlaine.  Any place he can fish is his happy place.  the Flatirons, in Boulder Colorado.
          TCMS                                          2023  January  •  February                                    15
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