Page 6 - 2023-Jan-Feb-Journal-Final
P. 6

                                   the President


               ratitude! This emotion surged   rely on the collective knowledge and   the TMA House of Delegates, local
               through me as I hovered        strength of our colleagues.          practicing physicians, medical
        Gweightless over the coral reef          As physicians we are all educators  students, residents, and fellows have
        I had last seen eight years ago. The   —doctor in Latin is “docere,” meaning   a strong collective voice. I am
        respirator gently cycled with the     to teach. As professionals, we also   grateful to be part of that
        sound of my breathing and lulled me  strive to adhere to the highest ethical   collective voice.
        into a contemplative state. With each   standards, to continuously expand      I am also grateful to be part of a
        breath, while beneath me a multitude  our knowledge through research       medical society that has such a strong
        of fish scurried around performing    and education, and to share this     history as TCMS does of serving our
        their daily activities, I found myself   knowledge with our colleagues. A   community. Many physicians I speak
        giving thanks for health, family and   sustainable profession is one that   with are surprised to discover the
        friends, and life.                    trains and nurtures professionalism   history and close ties between TCMS
            Above the ocean’s surface, the    in the next generation and builds on   and medical education. In 1971,
        COVID pandemic had forced us          the knowledge of those who have      TCMS established a non-
        all to adapt to a new normal. Our     paved the way. We may have           profit foundation that operated
        profession faced stressors that we    different practice types and serve on   community-based graduate medical
        had never experienced before as we    different medical staffs, but ultimately  education (GME) programs in
        took care of patients terrified of the   we all are colleagues in an honorable   Austin accredited by the Accreditation
        unknown. Burnout and wellness were  profession working together to         Council for Graduate Medical
        among the many challenges we faced    ensure the highest level of care to   Education (ACGME). Now several
        daily. How long would this pandemic   our patients.                        decades later, medical education in
        last? What treatments should we use?     Since moving to Austin in 2014,   Travis County is university-based
        Which vaccines were safe and          I have discovered how TCMS reflects  but still part of the fabric of our
        effective—how many boosters?          all that is good about our calling. Its   community. As Central Texas grows,
        When can I safely interact with       mission and goals embody who we      it is wonderful to see how many of
        others and return to work? How        are and what we strive collectively   our community partners have
        does one unmute? All of us had to     to do as physicians, including: to   embraced medical education. Dell
        address these questions from our      maintain high standards of medical   Medical School is preparing to
        patients in real time, even as we were   practice, professionalism, and ethical   graduate its fourth class, and several
        struggling for answers ourselves.     conduct; to promote the common       of our healthcare systems have
        This diverse life-giving ecosystem I   interests and unity of physicians   committed resources to supporting
        was looking at beneath the waves      in our community; to provide         new residency and fellowship
        did not have to deal with any of      representation and advocacy for      programs. This spirit of inquiry and
        these modern-day issues we face.      patients and physicians at all levels of  scholarly activity embodies the core
            “How naïve of me,” I thought as   government and medicine; and,        values of our profession and helps
        I took another breath and reflected: a  to strengthen the role of the Society   to prepare its future leaders who
        coral reef faces just as important    in addressing local needs and        will be faced with multiple new
        although different stressors. And     contributing to a healthier          challenges.
        then it struck me. Our healthcare     community. Every one of TCMS’s           Speaking of future leaders, I am
        system is an ecosystem as fragile     programs and activities are          grateful that several of our young
        as a life-giving coral reef. And like a   intentionally organized with these   TCMS members have recently
        reef, it needs to be nurtured, managed   goals in mind.                    approached the society to create a
        efficiently, and protected from both      I have witnessed how TCMS        support forum for members
        internal and external threats. A healthy  and the Texas Medical Association   interested in diversity, equity, and
        ecosystem is one that is diverse and   (TMA) advocate for members and      inclusion (DEI). Recognizing that
        relies on the strengths of its individual  for our patients at all levels. We are   this aligns with our mission, the
        parts and takes care of them. For     4,500 members strong and represent   TCMS Executive Board will be
        example, throughout the pandemic      approximately 80% of practicing      forming a Health Equity and Advocacy
        we’ve been able—through the Travis    physicians in the Greater Austin     Committee to foster education,
        County Medical Society (TCMS)—to      Area. Through our delegation to      awareness, and actionable
        6                                             2023  January  •  February                                  TCMS
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