Page 2 - Company Profile UECSB - JUN 2022
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UNITI Environmental Consultants (M) Sdn. Bhd. is an
environmental consulting company providing full range
of professional environmental consultation services
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA);
Environmental Management Plan (EMP);
Environmental Monitoring & Report (EMR); and
Environmental Compliance Audit (ECA).
The task force of the company was formally know as
UNITI Environmental Consultancy, an Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) consultancy established in year
2014. UNITI Environmental Consultants (M) Sdn. Bhd. has
officially incorporated in 2018 under the leadership of
ChM. Ts. Ng Tiong Sheng, a DOE Registered EIA
Consultant who is actively practising his environmental
profession for more than 17 years in the industry.
To provide professional, technically practical and
economically viable environmental solutions to practice
the understanding of environmental sustainable
development (BALANCE) in the region as well as in the
global perspective.