Page 34 - It's a Rum Life Book 3 "Ivy House Tales 1970 to 1984"
P. 34

Finished and a real credit to the community ...1975.

            Notes: Further up to date information about the Hall and its use can be obtained from
            Alan Rundle at Rundle’s Engineering Works, New Bolingbroke.
            Alan is the grandson of J.H. Rundle Snr “Jack” who I had the privilege of working with on
            that original Management Committee introducing all these changes.

            New Bolingbroke is a unique ‘Town’ probably the first ever ‘New Town’ built in the UK in
            the early 1800’s. David Robinson the Lincolnshire Historian, has an enthralling lecture all
            about the ‘town ‘ and its creator, who’s house in the village, we were fortunate to live in for
            our 14 years.

            More to follow........................


            After further contact with Alan Rundle's sister Sheila she reported that the hall has
            undergone a further restoration this last year, 2016, which included replacing the windows
            in the arches. A picture of the even more improved Town Hall is included here.

            New Pictures on following page by Sheila Rundle

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