Page 4 - It's a Rum Life Book 3 "Ivy House Tales 1970 to 1984"
P. 4


              Each chapter is a “stand alone” story. Consequently some information is repeated from time to
                  time to make the story understandable, I have endeavoured to write this “background
                information” in a different way so it is not annoying to those reading the book as a whole.

             We begin to be true country dwellers, our lives change for good and ever. New friends and
              business customers, we become employers and everything that comes with that hurdle.
                        The problems are much more complicated as the business advances.

             Help arrives from good clients who I helped in the past.Life really begins in earnest here in
             New Bolingbroke, the year is 1970. More responsibilities with a growing family and larger
                                                  financial investment.

              Ambitions take hold and a whole new enterprise is started after Firestone begins to fade.

             We begin foreign travel together, first with Firestone and later with Uniroyal. Some decent
            cars come our way from time to time. There are desperate times and heartache ahead, but
                                                   some fun as well.

                Ruth changes her job and begins work as Sister in Charge of the Cottage Hospital at

              We start a new local Cub and Scout unit, which is still surviving today in the 21  Century!

                Local responsibilities in public life include the Town Hall Committee, Parish Council,
                                               Parochial Church Council,
                Scout Leader, Primary School Governor, Chairman of Governors to Local Secondary
                                                 School, Ass.Secretary
                 to the Diocisan Church Council and Lincolnshire Sponsoring Body for Ecumenical
                           Co Chairman of Local “South Lindsey Ecumenical Partnership”.

                  My fights for what is morally right and good, lead to almost 20 years of personal

                                   We loose our house in dramatic circumstances!

                                           On to Book Four............

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