Page 44 - It's a Rum Life Book 3 "Ivy House Tales 1970 to 1984"
P. 44
neighbouring fence. Ken Rundle lived next door in the bungalow built by Alan, the lad who
died in a freak accident. The trailer was on its last legs as it were, elderly and somewhat
fragile in places. The snow had found those places and as I stepped outside to find some
straw for an early burn I realised the trailer was a strange shape.
The heavy snowfall had been just too much and overburdened the whole one side of the
trailer, the result was a half load of straw tumbled through the interwoven boundary fence
and ended up leaning against the wall of Ken’s bungalow!
That was one of the most energetic hours I have ever spent. Something like 200 bales of
straw had to be unentangled with interwoven fence and bits of broken trailer, then heaved
though the gap left by the broken fence and stacked close by. They seemed to reach
almost to the eves of his roof and I could imagine his not strong sense of humour being
aroused if he was to see what I could see!
I did manage it, but what a mess, crumbled fencing
and bits of straw bale seemed to spread
But as dawn eventually broke and all was revealed
at least the stupefying sight of all those straw bales
leaning against the house side were gone! Just
remaining was the evidence of something strange in
the deep snow.
Pictures left: Helen and Pony but also the fence
showing bungalow next door.
This was the location of the trailer just like the one
below that collapsed under the weight of a huge
snow fall and fell across the fence onto
the bungalow chimney!